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摘 要:随着改革开放,在中国人们已经逐渐接受了外国音乐, 其中起源于美国黑人的布鲁斯和说唱是最为流行的音乐形式。很久以前,白人排斥它们并且不认为这属于音乐,更谈不上是艺术。但随着时间的流逝,布鲁斯和说唱已经流传于整个美国甚至全世界。然而尽管黑人音乐已经得到人们的认可和接受,但种族主义的幽灵仍然在美国游荡,美国黑人仍未能享受到同白人一样的公平待遇,其社会地位并没有得到真正意义上的提高。本文试图在分析布鲁斯和说唱的起源和发展以及其在各阶段所展现的作为黑人之声的社会功能的基础上,探讨美国黑人的社会生活状况。


Along with the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, people in China have gradually accepted foreign music, among which Blues and Rap from Afro-Americans are the most popular. At the very beginning, the Whites don’t accept them and believe that they don’t belong to music, let alone art. As time flies, Blues and Rap spread rapidly in the U.S.A and then sweep the whole world. However, though the Black music has generally been accepted and beloved in the society, racism is still haunting the United States, the Blacks have not been treated fairly and equally as the Whites, and the social lives of the Blacks would not be improved substantially. Base on the analysis of the root and development of Blues and Rap and their social functions as voices of the Blacks, the paper tries to demonstrate the social conditions of the Blacks in America.

Key Words

Blues; Rap; the blacks; discrimination; voices

Blues and Rap are typical black music. Blues commonly expresses the blue and depressive emotions of the Blacks. The early musical composition picked up music subject matters of hard life, unfair destiny, lost ideal and destroyed love. Later, Blues began to express more individual emotions which were produced in the period of industrial civilization, such as fear of death. Rap is a street music. Without support of major radio and music companies, Rap once struggled to spread around the black communities of New York, but very soon it swept over America. Most of its words are very incisive and powerful and mainly originate from criminal events of the society, especially the Black communities. In this sense, Rap is just a reflection of the reality of the black communities.
From the perspective of style, Blues and Rap are the combination of hard and soft music, and with metallic and strong rhythm, giving people an unprecedented impression. From the perspective of content, Blues and Rap are straight and bold with a clear stand. They are the very embodiment of the pursuit of freedom. From the perspective of social function, Blues and Rap deeply show the struggles of the Afro-Americans against racial discrimination and serve as voices of the Blacks. Based on the analysis of their birth, development in different periods of time and these characteristics, the paper demonstrates the voices of the Blacks and their social lives in a society where they are discriminated and deprived of equal rights with the Whites.

Key WordsI
摘 要II
I. Blues as the Voice of the Blacks2
A. The Original Blues2
B. Blues in the 20th Century and its Social Function3
1. Blues in the1920s3
2. Blues in the 1940s--1960s3
3. Blues in the 1980s5
II.Rap as the Voice of the Blacks…..7
A. Rap in the 20th Century and its Social Function.………………….…………7
1. The Birth of Rap………………………………………………………………..7
2. Rap in the 1970s-1990s………………………………………………………7
B. Rap in the 21st Century……………………….……………………………….10
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For a long time, the Blacks are at the bottom of American society and deprived of rights to “speak”. Generally speaking, the situation of the Blacks gets improved. However, from an overall perspective, since the 1960s, the poor of the Blacks has reduced, but compared with the Whites and other ethnic minorities, it is still the higher. In recent years, for the people living below the poverty line in the family, the ratio of the Blacks is about 27%, the Whites is 11%; in according to age, the poverty rate of the Blacks is 46.1% , and in the same period , the Whites is only 13.6%. The unemployment rate of the Blacks is 8.9%, while it is 3.9% for the Whites; in the middle level family annual income of the Blacks is 35 thousand US dollars, while the Whites is 56 thousand US dollars. Moreover, the Blacks in education, medical cared also lags far behind that of the Whites. According to the United States applied research Tonga survey, in school, the racial discrimination is very serious. To take Los Angeles as an example, the suspension and dismissal of the Black students account for 40%. According to a 2002 survey, 9% of the blacks cannot receive medical care because of economic reasons. The Blacks face more serious health problem than the whites living in the suburbs, such as air, water pollution, and the proliferation of drugs. In recent years, AIDS is extremely serious, and the government confirms half of the people with AIDS are the Black and Hispanic people, and in some cities, the infant morality rare of the Blacks is even higher than some developing countries. ○1
It is in this social environment that the blacks uses their music, especially Blues and Rap, as their voice to express their feelings and emotions about their history, lives, and ideas. Of course, the black music doesn’t only demonstrate the struggles and existence of the blacks, but also embodies the existence and the brilliance of the black cultures. The Black music is the strongest sound from their inner hearts and the sharpest weapon for them to fight against racialism and discrimination. Although the Black music was ignored, disdained and misunderstood by the mainstream society in the past, it finally wins the acceptance and appreciation of the society and becomes a great treasure of American culture.
However, it needs a long time to solve the dispute between of the Blacks and the government. All the disputes have remained unsolved for centuries, and the problem of discrimination against the Blacks needs the concern of individuals and the government. Over a long time, many American Blacks, who live in a marginalized world, think that in the existing social system, racial discrimination is the root of all those problems. Therefore, the elimination of racism against the Blacks in the United States is one of the important issues. Although, the black music, particular Blues and Rap, is just a right way to reflect their lives in America, and continues to function as their voices to express their feelings and emotions, as long as the existence of racism is still haunting the United States, the social lives of the Blacks would not be improved substantially.
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