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资料包括: 论文(26页6563字) 
摘 要:作为一种具有代表性的亚文化特殊现象,同性恋现象已经在社会上引起了广泛的争论,在中国,有关同性恋的讨论愈加公开,这给比较注重传统观念的中国社会带来了巨大的冲击和挑战。随着中西方文化的交流和融合,现今中国社会已经能够更从容坦诚的直面,讨论,研究此问题



Homosexuality, being a representative phenomenon related to subculture, is on its way arousing a number of disputes in society, which is becoming more unveiled daily in China, thus influential impact and challenge is confronting the society of this country, a nation that always puts the emphasis on its traditional ideals. Nowadays the homosexuality is more straightforward discussed, studied, and confronted in China, owing to the confusion and absorption of oriental and occidental culture.
As a cross-cultural social phenomenon, Homosexuality subsists in disparate regions such as European nations, Asian and African nations, and so on. Consequently it is easy to comprehend that cultural diversification is the driving power of homosexuality’s spreading around the world. This conclusion is also adapted to the circumstance in China, a nation that is stepping into a cultural diversification society. With the absorption of other nation’s cultures, a more beneficial environment will be left for the development of homosexuality in China.
The relationship between cultural diversification and homosexuality can be defined as below: cultural diversification operates the propelling motivation more than the decisive element of the developing of homosexuality; on the other hand, homosexuality turns out to be one of the manifestations of the cultural diversification.

Key Words

homosexuality;influence;cultural diversification

Homosexuality, being a typical outcome of cultural diversification, has been bringing scorching controversy all over the world. Late these few years, this venerable subculture phenomenon is gradually becoming more unveiled and opened, as the argumentation relating to homosexuality is reaching a higher point daily in China, with the appeal asking for the rights of queers emerging. Impacting influence, together with serious challenges thus is confronting the whole society of China, a country that has always been throwing her emphasis on its traditional values. Somehow this situation seems to be inevitable as the cultural diversification is occurring among different nationalities.
As it is seen, the western world accepts homosexuality as a natural part of human existence, with more tolerance and sense—the treatment that queers in China have not been conferred before the arrival of cultural diversification.
Cultural diversification comes with the steps of global multi-polarization, which is a phenomenon that “conducive to the establishment of a new international political, economic, and culture order, world peace and stability” (Li Ji, 1998)
In this dissertation, issues concerning with homosexuality are to be defined and explained scientifically, hereafter, homosexuality in China, including its actuality, social status, would be expatiated simultaneously; other issues, for instance, homosexuality in the western world, culture multi-polarization and its characteristics, the relationship between the development of homosexuality in China and culture multi-polarization are to be discussed in succession, for the purpose of picturing legibly what has to be demonstrated about homosexuality and cultural diversification.
Key Words………………………………………………………………………..…I
I. Introduction to Homosexuality…………………………………………………2
A. Definition………………………………………………………………………..2
B. Causes of Homosexuality…………………………………………………….….2
C. Categories of Homosexuality……………………………………………………3
II. Homosexuality in China……………………………………………………………3
A. History of Development…………………………………………………………3
B. Social Status………………………………………………………………….4
C. Ideas and Attitudes……………………………………………………………..5
III. Influence of Western Culture…………………………………………………..…..8
A. Homosexuality in the Western World………………………………..……….8
B. Absorbability of Western Homosexuality Culture……………………….…..11
C. Views and Development of Homosexuality……………………….……..13
IV. Cultural Diversification….……………………………………………………..15
A. Definition………………………………………………………………….….15
B. Characteristics…………………………………………………………….…..15
C. Relationship between Cultural Diversification and Homosexuality……17
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Though being one kind of marginal culture, homosexuality is still struggling hard for its acknowledgment by the society, and it is believed to gain its proper position in the community ultimately, as the cultural diversification paves the way for the cultural compatibility. Tolerance towards multi-culture is urgently needed, with the precondition of equality, in order to achieve the plumy consistence between the idiosyncratic nationalities and the society, which, is esteemed as the symbolization of reaching a higher moment of the civilization in one society.
On all accounts, Chinese culture has to assimilate the advanced ingredients of cultures from other nationalities, at the same time bring forth its splendid elements; to the effect that it gains the anterior position of the global civilization, thus together with the first-class civilizations from other countries, composing a harmonious symphony contributing to the 21st century.
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