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摘 要:在中学,大部分的学生发现英语听说方面非常难。就我们所知,老师们通常花大量的时间在书面英语上,如,单词,语法等等。实际上这种情形将在以后的学习中成为一个比较严重的问题。学英语的目的主要是交流, 而当今口语的重要性显得日益突出,因此,在英语学习的入门阶段,老师应当更加关注学生听说能力的发展。只有在中学阶段打下良好的基础,才能使学生们在日后的学习中节省许多的时间,也将大大提高学习英语的兴趣。这篇文章主要介绍了英语听说教学方面所存在的一些问题及解决这些问题的基本方法。如小组活动教学,功能教学法的应用,它们都是在理论与实践方面被证实是行之有效的,对学生的帮助很大。

关键词: ,中学英语教学,听,说


In middle school, most students feel that it is very difficult for them to listen to English and speak English. As we know, the teachers always spend a lot of time in practicing written English, such as the words, grammar, and so on, which leads to a serious problem for the students’ future study. The aim of learning English is to communicate with others, and oral English is becoming more and more important, so at the beginning stage, the teachers should pay more attention to listening and speaking. As long as the students have a good base in middle schools, they will save a lot of time and be more interested in learning English. This paper first introduces the problems in listening and speaking teaching in middle school, and then gives some suggestion about the solutions, such as group-work method and two-way communication. Both of them are very beneficial for the students.

Key words

English teaching in middle school; listening; speaking

Nowadays, English is becoming more and more important after China entered the WTO, which can encourage us to study English well. To study a foreign language, we should master four abilities: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Generally speaking, communication is the main aim of learning a foreign language, and we know that most students have less difficulty in reading and writing. From this point, we should pay more attention to listening and speaking. In fact, in China, a lot of students spend a great number of time in learning English, but they still feel that they can not understand well what they have heard and can not speak fluently. This is partially because of our examination system, and partially of teaching method. As we know, as long as the students get a high mark and they can enter into a good school. So we just focus on the grammar. In the past several years, the government realized the seriousness of Examination - oriented education and did a lot to change the situation. The teaching outline has been informed. In the text books, there are a lot of activities involving listening and speaking, including pair work and group work. In the examination the part of listening comprehension has been added, and it is more difficult. At home and abroad, there are many experts studying the methods of teaching, and the main method is Functional method, which has been used almost all over the world. Here I would like to introduce some useful methods to help students to improve their listening and speaking and raise their interest. 目录:
Key Words………………………………………………………………………….Ⅰ
I. The Present Situation in English Teaching of Listening and Speaking2
A. The Present Situation in English Teaching of Listening………………………..2
B. The Present Situation in English Teaching of Speaking………………………2
II. The Solutions……….……………………………………………………………3
A.Ways of Improving Listening ………………………………………………….3
1.To Proceed Step by Step according to the Students’ Actual State……………4
2.To Provide Interesting Materials……………………………………………..5
3.Give Some Relevant Instructions before Listening………………………….5
4.To Do Some Dictation Exercises…………………………………………….6
5.To Catch the Main Points……………………………………………………7
6.To Create a Good Language Environment…………………………………..7
7.To Enlarge the Students’ Knowledge……………….……………………….8
B.Ways of Developing Speaking ………………………………………………..8
1.Two-way Communication…………………………………………………8
2.To Carry out Activities in Class…………………….………………………11
3.To Carry out Other Activities………………………..……………………11
Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………14
Long, M. Task, Group, and Task-Group Interaction. Language Teaching
Methodology for the Nineties. Singapore: RELC, 1998.
Long, M. Porter, P. Group Work, Interlanguage Talk and Second Language Acquisition. TESOL. Quarterly, 1999.
Wright, T. Roles of Teachers and Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Huang Yuefa English Teaching Methodology. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 1991.
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扶忠汉. 双向式英语[M]. 北京:北京三环出版社,1990.
胡敏. 这样学习英语最有效[M]. 北京: 中国广播电视出版社, 2004.
黄远振. 新课程英语教与学[M]. 福建:福建教育出版社,2003.
李强. 文化多样性与英语教学[M]. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2004.
李庭芗. 英语教学法[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社, 1983.
林崇德. 英语教育心理学[M]. 北京:北京教育出版社,2001.
马相明. 现代外语教学方法研究[M]. 北京: 经济管理出版社, 2004.
舒伯梅, 陈佑林. 外语教学法自学辅导[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 1999.
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This paper mainly discussed how to improve listening and speaking. Here are the two methods: group-work, and two- way communication. Both of them are very meaningful although there are still some problems to be solved. But group-work method, compared with teacher-fronted method, certainly provides students with more opportunities to practice speaking and communicate with their fellow classmates. It can raise their confidence and prepare them to talk with a real native speaker. While two- way communication emphasizes the exchange. It is not like the traditional aural-oral method which has few communicative functions. In this way, the students can easily form a dialogue with the help of the teacher. So it can create a context which can help students to communicate with other people quickly. As we know, reading and writing are also very important. They can help accumulate a lot of materials and make the students know the cultures of English-spoken Countries, and let them practice most of the time. Besides that, there are American English, British English and Australian English. Among them, there are some differences, so we must tell the students something about the difference for better grasp of English.
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