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说明:摘 要:19世纪的美国“西进运动”实际上是美国经济与领土扩张的一次大规模进程。它对于美利坚民族的形成、发展与现状都起了重要的作用。尤其是它对美国的文化影响,更是渗透进了这个年轻的民族。然而,“西进运动”同时也是印地安人民的血泪史!美国“西进运动”是文明还是野蛮、是成功还是失败?带着这些问题本文主要通过对美国“西进运动”的历史辩证地分析,以达到深刻了解、分析美国文化历史,并正确认识和看待美国文化历史。基于这一目的,本文主要探讨“西进运动”对于美国经济推动、民族性格、价值观的形成等积极影响,并真实地反映其阴暗面,正确看待历史,做到一分为二地分析
American Westward Movement in 19th century, in fact, is a large-scale advancement of American economy exploitation and a territorial expansion. It plays a vital role in the formation, the development and the present situation of the United States of America. Particularly, Westward Movement has seeped into this young nationality on its cultural influence. However, at the same time Westward Movement is also the Indians’ tragic history. Is Westward Movement civilized or barbaric, successful or not? To answer these questions this thesis mainly analyzes American Westward Movement from a historical angle to help us to recognize American culture and history. For this purpose, this thesis discusses Westward Movement’s influences on American economy, its national characteristic and the formation of its values. Also, the writer reflects its dark side in the thesis.
Key Words
Westward Movement; national character; pioneer; Indian culture
American Westward Movement in the 19th century was the process of economy exploitation and territory expansion waged by the Americans from Appalachian Mountains to the west from the end of 18th century to the end of 19th century. It lasted about one hundred years, and American territory was expanded from the 13 colonies at the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the Independence War to the vast area-the shore of the Pacific Ocean. This movement was a space and time-spanning, large-scale, and far-reaching social migrant. “Till now, to a certain extent, the history of America can be said that it is a history of colonizing.” (P136) The first period of Westward Movement was from the American War of Independence to the period of the Civil War. During this period, it mainly developed agriculture. The west land was very important for USA after its independence. But for Westward Movement, there would be no today’s America.
By expanding the nation’s borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful nations of the 20th century. Firstly, capitalistic agriculture grew up, and then animal husbandry, commerce, mining, and industry were following up. At last, it existed a situation in which agriculture and animal husbandry developed at the same time, industry and agriculture promoted each other, transportation and commerce trade progressed overall.
However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America. Is Westward Movement barbaric or civilized? The answer is not absolute. Karl Max materialism holds that every thing has two sides. We should make a concrete and historical analysis. In Westward Movement, we speak of not only its civilization but its barbarity. Under the whites’ bullet and natural acute disease, those survival Indian tribes have suffered so-called genocide and culture extinction. The two opposite and related sides of Westward Movement are composed of the main melody of the development of America in 19th century.
Key WordsI
I. The Positive Contributions of American Westward Movement2
A. Promoting American Economic Development2
B. Shaping American Characteristics3
1. The Continuous Migration and Exploitation3
2. Affection for the Work4
3. Individualism5
4. Pragmatism5
C. Providing Plentiful Sources for American Culture and Art6
Ⅱ. The Negative Influence of American Westward Movement7
A. The Painful Experience of the Indians7
1. The Indians’ Suffering in the Past7
2. The Destiny of the Indians Having Never Been Changed8
B. Indian Religion Being Kept in Bondage9
C. The Beautiful and Rich Land Becoming a Scene of Desolated Ruins9
1. The Number of Buffalos Having Been Extinct10
2. New Approach to Crop Cultivation Exhausting the Soil10
3. The “Black Storm Event”10
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American Westward Movement is on the one hand a great history, on the other hand a miserable history. The legacy of it is a mixture of great accomplishments and grim tragedies, heroic persistence and terrible errors.
American Westward Movement is not only the process of original accumulation of capital in the development of capitalism, but the process of promoting extensive exploitation of the west and rapid development of economy. It brings together under a single government and economy the land that makes up the United States today. Westward Movement contributes to the emergence of the wealthiest and most powerful nation. The frontier experience also encourages the development of certain "American" characteristics. This has been achieved, however, by conquering and dispossessing other people, especially to Indians. We regret the Indian destruction greatly. In the past, they had brilliant civilization which shined over the area of North American. Unfortunately, they lay down silently under the light of museum after American government’s suppressing the way of life of them. The west had produced great wealth and had supplied enormous resources to others in the nation and the world. This production, however, had often resulted in enormous environmental damage. The pioneers became extremely wasteful because they lived among such plentiful natural resources. Pioneers cut down vast areas of forests, lost large amounts of gold and other minerals in careless mining operations, and exhausted the soil.
The two opposite and related sides of Westward Movement are one of the most influential forces to shape North American history. American Westward Movement is the movement of extensive immigrants’ understanding and has great influence on American economy, politics and the national spirit.