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说明:摘 要:美国自然主义作家西奥多•德莱塞,以其锋利的笔锋,向读者描绘了美国社会的种种
A pioneer of naturalism in American literature, Theodore Dreiser equally deserves a place in American literature for his vigorous attack on the genteel tradition and his long and active interest in American social problem. Showing the readers an actual American society that is maintained with money worship, hedonism, individualism, his works make the readers so suffering and so astonished that some readers could hardly bear. In this paper, a brief introduction is given to Dreiser’s life and the critical story of An American Tragedy, and then the causes of Roberta’s tragedy are analyzed. Through analysis the real origin of the tragedy is exposed to be the evil capitalist social system, and Roberta’s tragedy is also the American females’ tragedy.
Key Words
Theodore Dreiser; tragedy; Roberta; Clyde; American Dream.
Dreiser, who is very famous for the principal American exponents of literary naturalism, is one of the most influential authors in American literary history during the 20th century. As a great naturalistic writer, Dreiser does not forget the basic principle of naturalism. It is easy to find that the man characters’ personality in American Tragedy is a sexual athlete and a man of elemental force who rises to a dominant position in business and society led by Roberta’s tragedy. It expresses the depth sympathy in his novels to Roberta and Clyde, which are drawing people’s attentions, so the novel is regarded as the greatest novel in American literary.
American Tragedy based on an actual case tells the story of a social tragedy, in which a tiny successful young man killed his lover, sentenced to death at last. The novel highly criticizes the America legal system and expresses the course of the tragedy. Among all the comments on the causes of the tragedy, Charles Walcutl A. Waltonlitz, specifically makes an analysis about the causes of the tragedy. His idea is unique and profound for us to study. American Dream makes many young people lose their direction even lives.
Most of the researches on American Tragedy are profound, and many theories have reasoned on the causes of Roberta’s tragedy that American Dream and American capitalist social system are the real origin of the tragedy.
Roberta’s death stimulates researchers to study the cause of tragedy. At the same time, the novel arouses people’s attention of feminism. In 18th century, feminism was not popular, and many women had no equal rights. Through analysis of Roberta''s tragedy, we can get more knowledge of female in the society.
Key Words……………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ
关键词.. ……………………………………………………………………………….Ⅱ
Ⅰ.The Author and the Novel………………………………………………………..2
A. A Brief Introduction to Theodre Dreiser…….……..…….2
B. A Brief Introduction of An American Tragedy….……….……..3
Ⅱ.The Analysis of Roberta''s Tragedy……….……..…………..……..…….…………6
A. Roberta’s Destiny…6
B. Analysis of Roberta’s Tragedy on the External Causes…………..…….8
C. The Original Causes of Roberta’s Tragedy……………………..…………9
D. The Analysis of Roberta''s Tragedy on Feminism…………….……………… 12
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作者点评:Naturalism is the brief writing style that man is shaped of hereditary and environment force beyond his control. In particular, naturalism is the brief that man’s inner sense of willingness toward a good or toward an evil is an illusion merely.(Donld,2003,) Thus, for the naturalist it makes no praise the action, they are only doing what comes naturally to them.
As a novelist, Theodore Dreiser was the sort of naturalist who felt an extraordinary need to explain things, to represent his characters motives and actions as cogent as possible. He offered many instances scientifically--based explanations of their determinism, and even corrected popular misconceptions as to the cause and significances of human endeavor. An American Tragedy tended to emphasize that female should be independent and could not reply on men. Women are not accessories, but dominate positions in the society. If a female is too weak in mind, she would become a tragedy in the society. Her tragedy destined to happen at that time.
In American Tragedy, Theodore Dreiser portrayed his characters Clyde and Roberta. Whatever they like, in American capitalist, they did it what they were forced anything, just persuade what is insight in their mind. Their tragedy is not very special; it is the American''s common tragedy. As Roberta is just one of the typical instances of such female tragedy, we can find a lot of problems existing in the American females. Roberta''s tragedy is also the American female''s tragedy.
The novel shows the greatest attractive for over the world. Although there are many criticisms about Dreiser and his novel American Tragedy, it can not deny the fact that the celebrated influence spread not only American literature but also all over the world.