摘 要:中国的对外开放正在进一步深化,随之而来的国外企业在华的经济活动也在增 加。这极大的丰富着中国人民的经济生活,并因此而衍生出了诸多对于国人而言 全新的经济及商业活动。大量的国产商品正在出口到世界各地,而国外的商品也 已蜂涌至国内市场。合法的商品都有一个自己的商标。因此,随着中外产品的交 流,商品商标的翻译问题不可避免地出现了。本文在第一部分,简要介绍了一般知识的商品品牌名称和其影响的产品。正如在标题中,这份文件,然后主要涉及翻译的外国品牌名称,在第二部分。在最后一部分,在此基础上分析,这份文件自然得出的结论,关于跨文化的差异在翻译外国品牌名称
Abstract :The further opening-up of China and the consequent increase of foreign business activities have brought about a more diversified economic life for the Chinese and led to more demanding and challenging tasks and problems for translators in this field to tackle. For an increasing number of China-made and foreign-made products have been and are being exported out of and imported into, China and as each product bears its own trade mark or brand, how to translate them into Chinese or into a foreign language, it is a invariable problem. This paper, in the first part, introduces briefly the general knowledge of commodity brand names and its impact on products. As stated in the title, this paper then mainly deals with the translation of foreign brand names in the second part. In the final part, on the basis of the analysis, this paper naturally draws a conclusion concerning the cross-cultural differences in the translation of foreign brand names.
Key words:the trade mark, translation, cross-culture
Brand names are just like people’s names, serving as the symbol of the commodity. “Branding makes a product distinctive in the marketplace, just as your name makes you unique in the society in which you live.”
For one specific product, its brand name is of great importance. When various kinds of commodities go global, their names travel with them as well. As the trade of commodities expands, brand names of certain products have become very famous and some successful ones gradually get recognized by the whole world. For China, nowadays, as the development of its economy in recent years, the trade between China and other countries increased, it brings the growth of imported foreign commodities. Foreign brand names, no matter how much fame they enjoy globally, will be difficult for Chinese consumers to accept if they don’t have impressive translations into Chinese. As stated by an American scholar, “…a good translation of a brand name can bring millions of dollars’ difference in the product’s sells record.” It cannot be denied that sells records and profits are important for the manufacturer. However, a good brand name translation is conducive to the promoting of the product, the enhancing of its fame and competitiveness as well as the cracking down of the counterfeits.
Summing up, it is obvious that translation of foreign brand names worth further studying for it is not only the original brand name that matters but also its translation.