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摘要: 语言和思维的关系一直以来都是语言学界的研究热点之一,但是至今仍没有一个普遍接受的定论。已有的研究成果中,中国人和以英、美为代表的西方人有着截然不同的思维模式。导致这种不同思维模式的原因有很多,包括地理位置和气候环境因素,哲学意识形态因素,社会历史因素,以及传统的政治和经济模式影响等等。作者致力于语言和思维的关系这个热点课题,总结了国内外有代表性的语言学家,哲学家和其他学者关于语言和思维关系的观点,并以此作为本文的理论基础,把中国与西方各国,尤其是英美等国在思维模式上的差异作了系统概括与归纳,并分别阐明造成这些思维模式差异的原因,为其后对比汉语与英语在语义结构上的差异奠定了基础。


The Semantic Structure Differences between Chinese and English from the Perspective of Thinking Mode
Abstract: The relationship between language and thinking has been a hot issue among the linguists, philosophers and other scholars. But there is still no universally accepted theory about this issue up till now. In general, the Chinese think differently from the native English speakers who represent the western people. The differences of thinking mode between Chinese and the native English speakers result from many factors such as the different geographic and environmental features, philosophical and ideological tendencies, social histories and traditional economical and political systems. This thesis systematically summarizes and discusses the theories of the linguists, philosophers and other scholars home and abroad about the relationship between language and thinking and provides the later discussion with theoretical basis. The thesis also summarizes the different thinking modes between the Chinese and the westerners and analyzes the reasons of these differences to pave the way for the later discussion of the semantic structure differences between Chinese and English.

Key words: thinking mode; contrastive analysis; semantic structure

1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With China making great strides in its reform and opening to the outside world, contacts between China and the other countries are growing rapidly in recent years. Accordingly, English learning is becoming more and more popular among the Chinese as English is generally regarded as an international language. Primary school students in China are now starting to learn English from the third year. Children in cities start even earlier when they are still in kindergartens. Secondary schools consider English as the main course, thus many students spend most of their time and energy learning English.
College students are required to pass certain bands of English tests though they are not English majors. There are also large numbers of grown-ups learning English at night schools or attending English training courses. Surprisingly, although there are many people learning English in China and the learning conditions such as the learning materials, English teachers, English communicating environment and the teaching methods have been improved greatly in recent years, the learners still find it very difficult to learn English well. They still have difficulties in their listening comprehension, speaking and writing in English. According to the research of Liu Kuanping and Zhou Yefang, the EFL learners often encounter some difficulties that cannot be explained with the grammatical rules in their English writing; those difficulties are in fact because of the differences of thinking modes between Chinese and English. In other words, the negative effects of the Chinese thinking modes cause the difficulties in the writing of the English compositions by the Chinese English learners. Similar conclusions were found by other foreign researchers that the foreign language writing process of language learners are bilingual and the involvement of native language thinking in the writing process reached 80%. (Kobapashi, & Rinnert, 1992). This is because writing is a kind of thinking activity as well as language activity and the thinking mode of the native language has great effects on the rhetorical device and organization and arrangement of a composition. Burchfield has pointed out in the book Lexicology that” the native language interference is the essential difficulty in learning a foreign language and a contrastive analysis of the native language and the learning language is necessary before compiling a bilingual dictionary, in order to be predictable in compiling with the differences of the two languages in mind."(Burchfield ,1980)

1. Introduction2
1.1 Research Background2
1.2 Literature Review3
1.3 Intention of the Dissertation5
2. Language and Thinking7
2.1 Linguistic Determinism and Linguistic Relativity7
2.2 Thinking Determinism Theory9
2.3 Independent and Interplaying Theory12
2.4 Opinions of the Chinese Scholars13
3. Thinking Mode Differences between Chinese and Native English Speakers14
3.1 Holistic Thinking VS Analytic Thinking15
3.2 Ethical Thinking VS Cognitive Thinking19
3.3 Intuitive Thinking VS Logic Thinking21
3.4 Figurative Thinking VS Abstract Thinking23
3.5 Gyre Thinking VS Linear Thinking24
3.6 Obscure Thinking VS Accurate Thinking25
3.7 Backward Thinking VS Forward Thinking27
3.8 Subject Conscious Thinking VS Object Conscious Thinking28
3.9 Additional Thinking Mode Differences29
3.10 Tendency of Globalization30
4. Promoting dynamic interplay between study and research31
4.1 Thinking is the soul of language and language is the medium of thinking.31
4.2 Limitations of the Dissertation32
5. Conclusion32
Works Cited34
Andy, C.1996. Being There. Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again. Cambridge. The MIT Press.
Burchfield, R.W 1980. Lexicography.北京.商务印书馆.
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Boas, F 1940. Race, Language, and Culture. New York. Macmillan.
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It is a long way to go in the field of contrastive analysis of the similarities and differences between English and Chinese. The relationship between language and thinking has been a hot issue among the linguists, philosophers and other scholars. There can be more researches about the similarities between Chinese and English. There can also be researches on the differences in other aspects than in semantic structure such as the differences in pronunciations, grammatical structures, pragmatics, and translations between English/Chinese and English/western language.
There can still be more detailed researches on the word formation or discourse analysis strategy differences between Chinese and English. In general, the Chinese think differently from the native English speakers who represent the western people. The differences of thinking mode between Chinese and the native English speakers result from many factors. Other researches of contrastive analysis between Chinese and English can also be made from other perspectives such as the differences of social history, political and economical system or tradition and social structure. Teachers and those interested in teaching or language learning can produce researches about the effects contrastive analysis on foreign language teaching and learning or about the application of the contrastive analysis in foreign language teaching and learning.
  • 上一篇资讯: 分析汉语短语的分类问题
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