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A Comparison between Chinese and Western Views on Family

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【网学提醒】:本文主要为网上学习者提供A Comparison between Chinese and Western Views on Family,希望对需要A Comparison between Chinese and Western Views on Family网友有所帮助,学习一下吧!

资料包括: 论文(30页8501字) 
1. Introduction
Family is a relatively stable group of people who are related to one another through blood, marriage, or adoption, or who simply live together, and who provide one another with economic and emotional support. In addition, a family can be a group of people who simply define themselves as family based on feelings of love, respect, commitment, and responsibility to and identification with one another.
Due to differences in historical background,geography,religion,ways of thinking,each nation has his own culture. Therefore,family cultural differences between China and Western countries are great and can been found in many aspects. For example, Westerners stress individualism in families while Chinese stress coalition, which makes the Chinese family extremely cohesive. Furthermore, Western families advocate equality. The husband and the wife usually have an equality voice in decision-making, and on certain matters, the children, too, have a vote. This is what Chinese families lacked.
We have different familial customs and different familial habits, and in the way we treat the elderly and give the family education, differences are obviously. It’s hard to see which one is better, but we can compare them and learn from each other’s strengthens to offset our short backs. This thesis is to compare the Chinese view on family with that of the Western countries and to explore the causes of the differences so as to learn from each other from this aspect. 目录:
1. Introduction
2. Family
3. Different familial cultures between China and Western countries
4.The reasons that cause the different familial cultures between Chinese and Western countries
5.Learn from each other
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