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Asian Economic Crisis

来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05
【网学提醒】:本文主要为网上学习者提供Asian Economic Crisis,希望对需要Asian Economic Crisis网友有所帮助,学习一下吧!

资料包括: 论文(5页1830字) 
Abstract: this thesis is about the Asian Economic Crisis in 1997. It introduces the origin, the main events, and the aftereffects of this economic crisis. Finally it analyses this serious crisis, and offers some useful suggestions of preventing such crises and resolves those still inevitably occur.

Keywords: Economic Crisis,Capital flows , Default, Devaluation

1. Introduction
2.The Fall of Domino
Ph1. The brief introduction of the Asian Economic Crisis.
Ph2. The key events of the crisis.
3.The Causes of Crisis
Ph1. There were a number of factors which contributed to the crisis.
Ph2. The crisis was the reversal of this tide of capital flow.
Ph3. Many of the economies in the region were overheating because of the current account deficits and the property and stock market bubbles.
Ph4. The negative results of the deficits.
Ph5. The maintenance of pegged exchange rates led to several adverse effects on many countries that had fixed their currencies to the dollar.
Ph6. The pegged exchanged rate distorted the risk of borrowing, encouraged inordinate external borrowing and led to a high incidence of exposure to foreign exchange risk.
Ph7. Political uncertainties and doubts about the governments’ competence dragged the currencies and stock markets down to new depths.
Ph8. Summary of the causes of the crisis
4. lessons learned
Ph1. Many lessons can be learned from the Asian Economic Crisis.
5. Conclusion

1. Introduction
2. The Fall of Domino
3. The Causes of Crisis
4. lessons learned
5. Conclusion

1.《Facts on File News Services》
2.《IMF and Asian Financial Crisis》 Peter G. Zhang
3.《Industry Outlook Financial Turbulence in Asian》
4.《International Economics》 Paul R. Krugman & Maurice Obstfeld

The economic crisis also served as a wake-up call for china, whose own system is deeply vulnerable to financial turmoil. We can use the Asia Economic crisis as an opportunity to hasten change in our own banking sector, which is saddled with an estimated US $200 billion or more in bad debts, strengthen the regulatory bodies and shut down money-losing state enterprises. It is a hard but essential work for china, we should do the best we can.

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