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【网学提醒】:本文主要为网上学习者提供Contrasts of cultural connotations between Chinese-English animal words,希望对需要Contrasts of cultural connotations between Chinese-English animal words网友有所帮助,学习一下吧!

资料包括: 论文(14页3336字) 
There exist a lot of animal words in Chinese and in English language, and there are many differences in cultural connotation in animal words in Chinese and in English. This paper is to categorize and contrast the cultural connotations between Chinese and English animal words. And to investigate into the reasons that what cause the differences in cultural connotations in animal words in Chinese and in English language.
【Key words】Animal words; cultural connotation; reasons
【摘要】在英语合汉语中都存在者大量的动物词,而这些动物词又蕴含着不同的文化内涵。本文就汉英动物词所蕴含着的文化内涵进行分类和对比, 并进一步探讨了造成汉英动物词的不同的。
I Animal words and cultural connotation in animal words
II The categories of cultural connotations between Chinese and English animal words.
III The reasons that what cause the differences in cultural connotations in animal words in Chinese and in English language.

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