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The present paper firstly analyses the characteristics of English long sentences, secondly it further discusses five major translation methods of English long sentences one by one, that is, translation method in order, translation against order, translation method of dividing long sentences into several short ones, translation method of combing sentences, and the last one is synthetic method. Meanwhile, the paper also typifies them with many concrete examples, which aims at using Chinese language to re-express English language’s content completely and exactly.
英语长句 特点 翻译方法
1Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
2 Argumentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
2.1 English long sentences -------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.1.1 Definition of English long sentence ------------------------------------ 4
2.1.2 Reasons for the occurrence of English long sentence ------------ 5
2.1.3 Characteristics of English long sentences ---------------------- 5
2.2 English long sentences translation methods—5methods------------------- 5
2.2.1 Translation method in order------------------------------------------------- 6
2.2.2 Translation method against order------------------------------------------- 8
2.2.3 Translation method of dividing long sentences into several short ones--10
2.2.4 Translation method of combining sentence--------------------- 11
2.2.5 Synthetic method------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.3 main steps during long sentences translation-------------------------------- 13
3 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------- 13
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