论文编号:HY1101 论文字数:4350,页数:05
[摘 要] 本文主要论证《简爱》中女主人公矛盾的女性意识,以及她对男权意识既挑战、颠覆又妥协、迎合的双重态度,说明这种价值观的矛盾性恰好反映了社会转型期资产阶级知识女性正在萌发的“情感结构”。
[关键词] 夏洛蒂·勃朗特,《简爱》,女性意识形态,罗切斯特
[英 文 摘 要]
On Ideology of Gender in Jane Eyre
Abstract: This dissertation is about an orphan girl, Jane Eyre,and her obscure
and contrditory ideology of gender.,and her dualattitude towards the father right. To her father, she is both agressive and transigent, which reflects the growing "emotional structure" of the educated women in the transferring period of the bourgeoisie society.
Key words: Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre ideology of gender Mr. Rochester