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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 17/02/12


中文字数:3660,中文页数:4 英文字数:2221页数:4

成型    成型本质上是与平面图类似的,但采用了圆形的切削刀具替代了齿条,由此产生的往复惯性的减少,允许更高的行程速度:现代的成型切割汽车齿轮可以以每分钟2000切割行程运行。切削刀具的形状大致是与渐开线齿轮相同的,但轮齿的顶端是圆形的。


 There are two basic methods of manufacturing gear teeth: the generating process and the forming process. when a gear tooth is generated, the workpiece and the cutting or grinding tool are in continuous mesh and the tooth form is generated by the tool. In other words, the work and the tool are conjugated to each other. hobbing :machines, shaper cutters, shaving machines, and grinders use this principle.
 When a gear tooth is formed, the tool is in the shape of the space that is being machined out. Some grinding machines use this principle with an indexing mechianism which allows the gear teeth to be formed tooth by tooth. Broaches are examples of form tools that machine all the gear teeth simultaneously.

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