中文字数: 2307,中文页数: 3 英文字数: 1525,字符数:7599,页数:4
1. 前言
2. 分析
(1) 安装不当
1) 中双链长短不一。一般情况下,单机功率≥200kW时均采用中双链形式,新采购的刮板输送机链条在初期使用时不存在链条长短不一致的问题,使用后由于输送机呈台阶形弯曲推进,链条经过较长一段时间的使用后,处于外侧(工作面煤壁侧)的链条相对伸长,集中载荷,在重载起动时极易发生断链。当该输送机在下一个工作面再次安装使用时,链条可能混乱装配,如果短链装在外侧,长链装在内侧,输送机工作时将造成外链过紧咬链轮、内链过松被链轮咬,严重时使链条拉断。
Analys is and Precautions of Chain Breakage
Failure of Scraper Conveyors
1. Foreword
Scraper conveyor the fault, the failure to Duanlian the most prominent, and deal with the time spent by the labor intensity and also the largest. Maintenance often found that the chain of serious wear, the end of a chain of non-normal damage and a pit, and other phenomena. This paper analyses the reasons for the failure occurred, by preventive measures.
2. analysis
According to statistics, in the normal production of fully mechanized coal face, scraper conveyor chain conveyor failure time about the failure of more than 40 percent of the time. Ring linked Duanlian major fault caused by the following aspects