中文字数:4280,中文页数:7 英文字数:2632页数:10
0 Introduction
Plastic products from product design to production, including molding plastic products design, mold design, mold manufacturing and injection molding process parameters and several other main areas. The traditional injection mold design mainly rely on the designer''s experience, while the injection molding process is very complex, plastic melt flow properties of different and ever-changing products and die structure, process conditions vary, forming various defects, mold design often require repeated trial-mode, maintenance mode can be put into production, with little of a successful, identify problems, not only to re-adjust the process parameters, or even to modify the plastic products and molds, not only time-consuming and laborious, but also reduces product development time . The use of injection molding CAE technology in mold manufacturing prior to simulate injection molding process (including filling, packing and cooling) and the early detection of problems, optimize mold design and process conditions set to reduce the number of test mode in order to improve production efficiency, has become a injection molding technology is an important direction of development.