最后本文介绍了Visual basic 6.0 并利用其开发了机械零件可靠性设计软件界面,通过此软件可以进行简单的可靠度计算。
Abstract :Due to the characters of machine parts, it’s inconvenience that the value of reliability design be gotten by means of experimentation just as what be done to electric parts. As a result, it becomes vital important that the questions of machine parts reliability design be solved in theory. In order to accommodate to the modern machine parts designing , and make it more practical and more rational, in this paper more attention are paid on researching the the machine parts reliability design theoretically. The primary content and innovation part of this paper as follows
In this paper, the development of reliability theory, introduced an overview of research at home and abroad, as well as its importance has since introduced a general theory of the reliability of its content, including the reliability of the index system, as well as the reliability of the mathematical tools (Probability and Statistics school), on the basis of studies of mechanical reliability theory, is in control of stress - strength interference theory and skills to deal with random variables of the three methods statistic moment method, the coefficient of variation method and algebraic method.
In this paper, followed by choice of commonly used mechanical parts helical gear, shaft, the rolling bearing failure mode was studied to establish the reliability of the mathematical model and calculated the corresponding examples.
Finally, Visual basic 6.0, introduced and developed the use of its reliability design of mechanical parts of the software interface through which software reliability can be a simple calculation.
Keyword: Machine part; failure mode; Reliability
第一章 绪论
1.1 可靠性的发展概论
可靠性理论早在30~40年代已发展起来了。十七世纪初期由伽利略、高斯、拉普拉斯、泊淞等人逐步建立了概率论,奠定了可靠性工程的主要理论基准。十九世纪布尔尼可夫斯基写了一本概率论教程,同时其学生马儿可夫建立了大数定律和随机过程理论,成为了维修性的理论基础。1939年瑞典专家威布尔提出了描述材料疲劳强度的威布尔分布。可靠性研究萌芽于飞机失事事件,1939年美国航空委员会出版的《适航性统计学注释》中,提出飞机事故率不应超过 /h.这里讲的事故率只是未能沿用可靠度的定义而已。