摘 要:目前,网站已经成为人们关注的热点:政府利用网站宣传自己的施政纲领,日益成为与百姓交流的直通车;企业利用网站宣传自己的形象,挖掘无限商机;个人利用网站展示个性风采,创建彼此沟通的桥梁。
Abstract :At present,As the network is backed by the World website, is the focus of attention of the people : government use of the website to promote their policy agenda. and the people are increasingly becoming exchange Express.
Enterprises using websites to promote their own image, tap opportunities; personal use of the website to display individuality, and they create a bridge of communication between each other. Clear objective of this website is the home of praise and express their love for his hometown, to propagate their hometown, attract investment and promote development.
Use of this site is produced, and make full use of Dreamweaver2004MX some basic functions, on the web site design to a CSS style sheet, bookmarks, hyperlinks, Fireworks and the use and production of small Flash animation, and other special effects. This site is illustrated, intuitive interface, well-organized layout of content, layout and coordinate colors to mix and match the reasonable and rich content.
Keywords : Dreamweaver2004MX;CSS;Hyperlink;Website Design
第一章 绪论
第一节 选题及本次课程设计的任务