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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(4页2424字) 图纸 
摘 要: 通过广口瓶贮藏下玉米综合种的发芽率变化试验,分析了四种处理的种子发芽率年际变化差异,初步阐述了种子贮藏后第3年和第6或第7年,发芽率比上年下降绝对值的一小和一大波峰曲线段规律,得到了玉米种子在广口瓶中贮藏五年保证有50%以上发芽率的结论。
关键词:玉米 综合种 发芽率 研究

Through testing of variations of germination percentage of comprehensive maize seeds stored under ground glass bottles and analyzing of yearly change of germination percentage of the seeds treated at 4 level, this paper preliminaryly elaborated the changing regulation of germination percentage value of the seeds with a low and a high curve obviously appeared in 3,6 or 7 years after the storage. The experiment showed that the storage method kept 50% germination percentage of the comprehensive maize seeds in 5 years.
Key Words: Maize Comprehensive Seeds Germination Percentage Research
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