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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/27


论文编号:LS180  论文字数:10110,页数:12


摘 要

 关键词: 宋代  茶馆业  兴盛  原因  启示
The rise of tea in the Song Dynasty

Abstract: In traditional society, people''s diet is especially important. China''s food culture goes back to ancient times, and the brilliant, is not only a reflection of the ancient social material, but also reflects the spirit of the people at that time, reflects the community''s spiritual civilization. Song is the history of our country an important historical period, with the development of commodity economy, the prosperity of commerce, restaurants, culture also ushered in the development of the upsurge in the country''s food culture occupies an important position in history is known as the "China Club" The teahouse, Song said Chasi, Chafang, restaurants or tea Di is a major selling tea, tea inactivity for customers, builds character in public places. Song tea industry as a service industry has undergone considerable development. Since the Song Dynasty prosperity of the commodity economy and urban commercial houses for the prosperity of the economy provides a strong material foundation, and then tea, tea practices, the teahouse at that time whether the number of size, facilities decoration, or mode of operation, services content, and have increasingly improved, greatly promoting the development of the tea culture. In the building of a harmonious society today, a teahouse still has its own unique position and role of modern social communication and dissemination of information of public places and space. Teahouse for international exchanges, economic prosperity and cultural activities to create a civilized window.
Key words:Tea industry  Thrive  Reasons  Song

二 、宋代茶馆业兴盛的原因....6
 1.唐代茶馆的发展奠定了基础. 6
三、宋代茶馆业对后世茶馆业的启示 8
 3.重视品牌形象的宣传和构建 10
 4.具有深远的社会意义 10
结论.. .11
参考文献.. .12

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