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the colorful fireworks crying.

来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05
【网学提醒】:本文主要为网上学习者提供the colorful fireworks crying. ,希望对需要the colorful fireworks crying. 网友有所帮助,学习一下吧!

the sky is memory decline of

colorful fireworks cries of

the magnificent and smoke

The moment the eternal

the safety and distance to free

the best I

can remember the blank of

fireworks are so arrogant

fireworks and so the selfless and

burn its temperature

rendering the sky in the beautiful

that wipe brilliant clouds

like is that the tide of the Sea

are quiet

lead study

la injured memories.

The no traces of

colorful fireworks crying

out of the lonely posture

landing soul to accept

the colorful fireworks crying.
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