机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1011 论文字数:14438.页数:31
关键词 : 磁流体密封装置 性能 检测
This paper mainly introduces the resistivity, basic principle and magnetic sealing device sealing technology application of magnetic. Magnetic fluid sealing is based on magnetic technology,Magnetic field is used in sealed with under pressure difference of magnetic has the ability to seal.Now magnetic sealing technology has been widely applied to computer hard disk, robot and military products, such as environmental requirements of high equipment.
According to the work principle of magnetic sealing device and performance requirements, design the magnetic testing devices, sealing device for the magnetic device sealing device by power supply, the transmission mechanism and pneumatic device. The inspection and instruction.
According to the design of magnetic sealing device for detecting device performance magnetic inspection and analysis of magnetic remaking sealing device compression performance factors.
Key words: magnetic fluid seal device performance testing
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 I
1.1选题意义和背景 1
1.2磁流体密封装置基本原理 1
1.2.1磁流体简介 1
1.2.2磁流体密封技术 1
1.2.3磁流体密封的特点 3
1.2.4磁流体密封在工作时的限制条件 4
1.2.5国内外磁流体密封研究状况 4
1.2.6磁流体密封技术的应用 5
1.3 本章小结 7
第二章 磁流体密封的性能测试装置设计 8
2.1磁流体密封的性能 8
2.3磁流体密封装置性能检测装置设计原则 8
2.4磁流体密封测试实验装置的具体结构 8
2.5磁流体密封实验装置的动力源及传动装置的设计 9
2.5.1密封实验装置电动机的选择 9
2.5.2密封实验装置传动机构的设计 9
2.5.3传动轴的设计 11
2.5.4夹具选择 13
2.5.5带轮支架设计 13
2.6磁流体密封装置性能检测装置气压系统设计 13
2.7 磁流体密封装置性能检测装置整体结构安装 15
2.8 本章小结 15
第三章 磁流体密封的性能测试方法说明 16
3.1 极限耐压能力测量步骤 16
3.2 泄漏的测试步骤 16
3.3 使用寿命的测试 17
3.4 功率损失测试 17
3.5 极限真空度测试 17
3.6 溅射特性测试 17
3.7 本章小结 18
第四章 影响磁流体密封能力的因素分析 19
4.1影响磁流体密封能力的因素分析 19
4.2 密封径向间隙和密封能力的关系 19
4.3 饱和磁化强度与密封能力的关系 20
4.4 磁流体的加入量与密封能力的关系 20
4.5 轴的转速对磁流体密封能力的关系 21
4.6 本章小结 23
结 论 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26