车辆工程专业毕业论文,论文编号:JX892 论文字数:8592.页数:34
摘 要
随着社会经济的不断发展,经济信息化已成为世界经济发展的一大趋势,是社会生产力发展到一定阶段的必然产物。信息是国家制定政策、进行宏观调控,企业从事日常事务处理、生产控制、生产决策的重要战略资源,是国民经济各部门和整个社会生活领域中的“倍增剂”,是当代社会发展的最新生产力,它正从总体上引导着世界经济和社会发展的进程。可以这样说,谁能够充分利用信息,谁就能在社会竞争及经济发展中求得生存。信息系统的开发实际上是一项庞大的系统工程,即信息系统工程。本人在现已在杭州东风本田江锦4S店工作半年,长期接触员工、客户、车辆信息管理系统,有一定的模板设计构想,本文论述了在可视化开发环境Visual Basic 6.0下分析、设计、开发的汽车销售管理系统。其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立及前端应用程序的开发两个方面,对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的数据库,但要求处理的信息量并不大,所以我采用了SQL SERVER 2000, 而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点,鉴于本系统开发周期比较短,故使用了Visual Basic 6.0。该系统基本满足了在中小企业销售管理方面的需求,用户界面友好,功能强大,大大减少了人力资源,增加了信息分析的准确性。作为销售管理系统,可以对商品进行查询,浏览,入库出库,对提高工作效率有重要意义。
With the development of social economy,economy information has been the trend of the development of world economy. It is certain under the development of social productivity. Information is a important strategic recource for country lay policy,progress holistic confection,company deal with daily affair,ctrorl producting and decision-making producing,it is activator of country economy department and all social life field,also it is the up-to-date productivity of social development of the time. It is leading the course of world economy and social development. Maybe we can say ,if people who can use information fully,he will survive under the society competition and economy development.In fact, exploituring the information systerm is a giant system project,i.e. information system project.This article describled the process of analysis, design and development for corporation sales management system under the Visual Basic 6.0 ,which is a WIWYS (what is what you see)tool.The exploitation includes setting up database and exploituring application.The former required consistency and integrality and security of data ,but there is not much information to deal with. So, I selected Microsoft Access 2000.The later should make the application powerful and easily used. so I selecter Visual Basic 6.0. This system has satisfied the basic demand in the management of goods. The system has a friendly UI and strong analysis ability ,it consumedly reduced the workload and increased the analysis accuracy.As a sales management system , who can query, skim,put in and fetch out goods by using the system. It also sustain the print and the user management. The system has a important meaning of advancing work efficiency.
Keywords:CAR,sales management system , HONDA,SQL,VB
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
第一章 绪论 4
第二章 需求分析 6
第三章 概要设计 9
3.1 编程环境简介 9
3.1.1 关于VB的说明 9
3.1.2 ADO与SQL SERVER 2000 10
3.2 运行系统要求 11
3.2.1 硬件要求 11
3.2.2 软件要求 11
第四章 详细设计 12
4.1 汽车销售管理系统总设计 12
4.2 系统数据模型设计 13
4.2.1 系统数据流程图 13
4.2.2 E-R图 13
4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 16
4.4 各功能模块说明及主要代码 18
4.4.1 登入界面 18
4.4.2 主界面 20
4.4.3 添加汽车信息界面 21
4.4.4 添加客户信息 23
4.4.5 添加员工信息界面 26
4.4.6 添加用户界面 28
总结 31
参考文献 33
致谢 34