机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1025 论文字数:13191.页数:31
摘 要
关键词:颈椎病 设计 因素
Cervical disease is a common clinical disease . Cervical disease is the most essential factor is the growth of age to the natural aging disc. With the quickening pace of life, working long hours at his desk and the use of computers, driving, with high pillow, soft bed to sleep and many other factors keep people a long time maintaining a single position and muscle fatigueing ligament, which accelerated incidence of cervical disease. Meanwhile, changes in diet and weight gain will also promote disease. According to some experts, admissions for cervical disease in their patients more than half of them were under the age of 40, and there are many young people in their prime, the youngest only two years old.
This paper analyzes the status of domestic and foreign medical device research, to the design of cervical traction device, we introduced the main issues during the design process, including functional theory, the structure of the layout , tractor parts classification and coding, tractor parts standardization and design layout design, shape size calculation, tractor part with the relationship between tolerance and surface roughness, dimensions, materials selection, and traction devices.
This paper consider the feasibility of such factorse, material selection, mechanical analysis, practical value, safety, and tractor manufacturing process , of course it will be worthy of the actual production and processing instructive.
Keywords: Cervical spondylosis Design Factor
目 录
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目录 iii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外医疗器械概况 2
1.2.1 国内发展概况 2
1.2.2 国外发展概况 2
1.3 研究内容 3
1.4 本章小结 3
第二章 设计方案的确定 4
2.1 设计题目 4
2.2 设计目标与要求 4
2.3 设计方案 4
2.3.1实例一:折叠式弹力颈椎牵引器 5
2.3.2实例二:托盘充气式颈椎牵引器 6
2.3.3实例三:热敷式颈椎牵引器 7
2.3.3 实例比较及创新 8
2.4 本章小结 10
第三章 颈椎牵引器理论设计计算 11
3.1 牵引器托套及辅助结构材料的选择 11
3.2 螺旋传动的应用和类型 11
3.3 螺旋传动的结构分类 13
3.4 螺旋传动的设计和选材 13
2.4.1 螺旋机构的材料选择 13
3.4.2 螺旋机构耐磨性计算 14
3.4.3 螺母螺纹牙的强度校核 16
3.4.4 螺纹副自锁性的校核 17
3.4.5 螺杆强度校核 17
3.4.6 螺杆稳定性校核 18
3.4 手柄设计计算 18
3.5 本章小结 19
第四章 颈椎牵引器工作原理及结构设计 20
4.1 可调式牵引器的三大创新点 20
4.1.1 肩托比较舒适 20
4.1.2 滑块的可移动 20
4.1.3 吊带与托套可调 21
4.2 螺旋机构 22
4.3 支撑机构 22
4.4 装配图 23
4.5 本章小结 24
第五章 总结 25
参考文献 26