车辆工程专业毕业论文,论文编号:JX924 论文字数:11253.页数:32
摘 要
关键词: 依维柯 房车 SolidWorks软件 内部设计建模
In Europe, the Rv is called:caravan. At the end of the first world war,Americans added tents,beds, kitchen equipmenst to the family car. In 1920, some people put the wood in shacks t-shape chassis. To 1930,the saloon car used the structural design of plane,it contains comfortable a bed,a convenient kitchen and a power supply system. After the second world war, the developed highway system of United States made the Rv industry rapid development. By 1950, from small DIY type to the luxury of 30 feet long is the mature hanging saloon. The Rv from the sedan patterns gradually developed into their own unique system.
This paper mainly introduces the the reform and interior modeling design of IVECO saloon car on SolidWorks software. First,the status of domestic and foreign Rv. are analyzed and compared Then the design for the reconstruction design models and describe the function of the car are selected.Finally the model of car compartment in SolidWorks and arrangement the main points of interior design are established.Then the design of the bed,the toilet,the ambry, the seat and storage location, etc is layouted, and the design and drawing design model establishment of rendering in SolidWorks is layouted.Last the car interior layout design and construct 3d model is determined.
Keywords: IVECO; Rv; Solidworks software; Interior design and modeling
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
表列 V
图列 VI
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外房车的现状比较与发展 2
1.2.1 国外房车的现状 2
1.2.2 国内房车的现状 4
1.2.3 国内房车的发展前景展望 5
第二章 研究的方法与技术路线 7
2.1 依维柯车型的选择与测量 7
2.2 房车车体建模 8
2.3 房车内部设计追求的目标 8
2.4 房车内部设计时面临的约束与解决的途径 9
2.5 本章小结 9
第三章 SolidWorks软件功能分析 10
3.1 Solidworks软件概述 10
3.2 Solidworks的零件建模 10
3.3 Solidworks的装配设计 11
3.4 Solidworks的工程图设计 11
3.5 本章小结 12
第四章 基于Solidworks建立依维柯房车车厢三维模型 13
4.1 车厢总体设计方案 13
4.2 房车顶部太阳能电池板设计 14
4.3 房车天窗设计 15
4.4 可变式多人床设计 16
4.5 封闭式独卫设计 20
4.6 独立式餐厅设计 21
4.7 车内乘坐空间设计 22
4.8 本章小结 23
第五章 结论 24
参考文献 25
致谢 26