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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/15


车辆工程专业毕业论文,论文编号:JX898  论文字数:10495.页数:27

摘   要
 本设计的主要目标是完成PC机对步进电机的四拍控制。以单片机AT89C51作为整个系统的控制核心,介绍了max232电平转换电路,利用Visual Basic6.0 MSComm控件编写上位机软件实现PC与单片机的RS232串口通信。单片机I/O口以定时器中断方式产生控制脉冲,通过L298N电路进行放大,以驱动PX243步进电机。可以通过上位机对电机的转速、转向、圈数等进行控制。
关键字:单片机  串口通信  步进电机控制  Visual Basic

 Stepping motor is a electromagnetic component that can translate the digital input pulse into rotary or linear incremental movement.It is Widely used in ATM machines, medical equipment and devices, precision instruments, industrial control systems, robotics, and other fields. Today, the processor speed and computing capacity is very powerful, PC-based control technology, you can take advantage of the rich PC software to improve the control system of the graphics display, dynamic simulation, programming and diagnostic capabilities. A more user-friendly interface, increased functionality, security, openness. Thus, research and development of PC-based high-performance stepper motor control system momentum, aroused attention.
 The main objective of this design is to complete four-beat control to stepper motor control through PC. The design AT89C51 microcontroller as the core of the whole system of control introduced max232 level converter circuit and microcontroller RS232 PC serial communication. MCU I/O port to control the timer interrupt generated pulse amplification circuit through the L298N to drive PX243 stepper motor.Finally, all kinds of control on the host computer can be completed, such as the speed, steering , turns of stepping motor.
Keywords:MCU  Series Communication  Stepping Motor Control  Visual Basic

目 录
摘     要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1 步进电机产品现状 1
1.2 步进电机控制的现状分析和发展趋势 2
1.3 本设计的背景和意义 3
1.4 本设计的主要任务 5
第二章 PX243步进电机 6
2.1 PX243两相感应式步进电机 6
2.2 PX243工作原理 7
2.3 PX243四拍驱动时序图 8
第三章 控制系统的实现 9
3.1 单片机AT89C51简介 9
3.2 AT89C51控制系统硬件设计 9
3.3 脉冲控制软件设计 10
3.3.1 控制脉冲的设计 11
3.3.2 定时中断子程序编写 12
3.4 L298N驱动电路 14
第四章 串口通信 15
5.1 通信硬件实现 15
5.2 通信软件实现 15
5.2.1 上位机的软件实现 15
5.2.2 下位机通信软件设计 19
第五章 总结与展望 21
7.1总结 21
7.2展望 21
参考文献 23
致谢 24

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