车辆工程专业毕业论文,论文编号:JX887 论文字数:15132.页数:37
摘 要
通过对车厢整体设计,零部件的完善,学会分析问题,在具体问题中,学会解决问 题,能做到针对不同问题找到不同解决思路,使得在今后的工作中能更好适应要求,提高业务水平与技术素质,胜任所承担的工作
关键字:机械冷板冷藏车 设计 制冷机组 冷藏车厢 运输
The full text introduce The importance of hold-over plat refrigerated truck in the development of China''s frozen. The focal point is tha t during the design process of hold-over plate refrigerated truck ought to accent on which side and optimization design the efrigerator car with Refrigeration unit. In the design, Appropriate to choose Refrigeration unit as the power source to refrigeration, taking into account factors such as economic and practical. As a result of China''s slow development of the transport refrigeration,Frozen inRefrigeration unit as the main force of a high-end vehicles in the short-distance transport refrigeration had not been came into notice.
In the design process, Refrigerated compartments of different volume select and put to use capacity of different containers of Refrigeration unit and hold-over plat. If the carriage is too small, Refrigeration unit is too big, Large Refrigeration unit vessel refrigerated trucks will affect the loading capacity and loading quality.
The basic choice of refrigerator van , insulation inside the compartments have different body structure, therefore, the form of refrigerator van is on the basis of different structures inside the body to determine . The design of refrigerator van must be considered in all aspects in place, running with the vehicle chassis to a large extent the degree of impact on the life of the automobile.
Compartment through the overall design, components to improve, learn to analyze problems, specific problems, learn to solve problems, different issues can be found for different ideas to solve,makes the work in the future to better adapt to the requirements of professional standards and technology to improve the quality of the work undertaken by competent.
Keywords:hold-over plat refrigerated truck design Refrigeration unit
refrigerator van transport
目 录
摘要 …i
第一章 绪论1
1.1 前言
1.2 国内外冷藏车对比现状及发展趋势…
1.3 机械冷板冷藏车的设计…
第二章 冷藏车冷藏容量设计5
2.1 冷板冷藏车的总体构造及初步设计…
2.2 冷藏的容量设计…
2.2.1 冷藏车的冷负荷设计
2.2.2 货物热量的估算…
2.2.3 通风换热量的估算
2.3 本章小结
第三章 制冷机组的设计8
3.1 制冷机组的基本原理…
3.2 制冷机组的基本构造…
3.3 制冷机组的初步设计…
3.3.1 压缩机的设计…
3.3.2 冷凝管的设计…
3.3.3 热力膨胀阀的设计…
3.3.4 小型柴油发动机
3.4 本章小结
第四章 冷板的设计15
4.1 冷板制冷的基本原理…
4.2 冷板的布置形式及送风方式
4.3 冷板融冰过程数值计算
4.3.1 控制方程…
4.3.2 方程离散化
4.3.3 边界及初始条件
4.3.4 计算结果及分析
4.3.5 结论…
4.4 本章小结…
第五章 车厢厢体板材的设计23
5.1 冷藏车厢的基本
5.2 冷藏车厢的具体分类
5.3 冷藏车厢的类型选择
5.4 冷藏的材料选择与优化…
5.5 本章小结…
第六章 冷藏汽车的底盘基本介绍与选择27
6.1 汽车底盘
6.2 副车架…
6.3 车厢与底盘的连接
6.4 本章小结
第七章 机械冷板冷藏车车注意与维护…30
7.1 公路冷藏车正常运行要求及安全工作
7.2 常见机械冷板冷藏车的维护…
7.3 本章小结
第八章 总 结33
参考文献 34
致谢 35