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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/15


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1006  论文字数:12738.页数:27

摘      要

关键词:平面度检测   接触式传感器    油冷却器 

 Oil cooler, oil cooling is carried out components. Under high-speed movement, Temperature will be accompanied by the increasing movement, the cooling oil is a very necessary means. The quality of oil cooler for a motor vehicle is essential, it can affect the performance of the whole car. Oil cooler is generally installed in the access to the location of the oil port, the installation of high-accuracy plane.
    Yin Lun factory is a manufacturer specialize in the production of cooler, its main product is cooler. In order to improve the quality of its cooler plane, and enhance the efficiency of its detection, We designed a cooler flatness testing machine.
 This paper first Outlines the flatness detection method, and then put forward according to the characteristic of products, various testing scheme determined after using, analyzes and compares the stationing of detection. When decorating a non-contact sensor measuring position, considering the importance of oil out of the position, scientific layout of sensor to measure the position. Then the whole structure analysis, everywhere. The completed motor, synchronous belt, shaft bearings, etc, the design and calculation, pneumatic system design and component selection. Finally draw the relevant engineering drawings.
Keyords : Contactless flatness     detection sensor      oil cooler
目  录
摘      要 i
Abstract  ii
目  录  iii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1  课题背景 1
1.2  课题意义 1
1.3  课题的设计任务和要求 2
1.4  本文主要内容 2
第二章  方案设计 3
2.1  平面度检测的国家标准 3
2.2  多方案比较和设计方案的选定 3
2.2.1送料方式的比较及选定 3
2.2.2测量方式的比较及选择 4
2.3  传感器的选择方法 4
2.3.1 传感器选择要点 5
2.3.2传感器的选择 6
2.4  传感器的布点 6
2.5  运动的实现 7
第三章  设计计算 9
3.1  电机的选择 9
3.2  同步带的选择 11
3.3  轴的设计计算 13
3.4  轴承的寿命计算校核 14
第四章 气动系统设计 15
4.1  气动系统功能要求 15
4.2  气动系统原理图 15
4.3  气动元器件的选择 16
4.3.1汽缸的选择 16
4.3.2气动阀的选择 17
第五章 系统实现和使用说明 18
5.1  整机结构 18
5.2  整机操作步骤及注意事项 19
第六章  总结 21
参考文献  22
致   谢  23

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