机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX999 论文字数:24170.页数:41
摘 要
摘 要:本文介绍了虚拟仪器的概念和一个实用数据采集系统,通过软硬件技术结合,实现了对多种模拟量的信号采集处理。充分发挥虚拟仪器的优势,采用模块化设计软件方法,设计出独立于设备类型应用软件。
关键词: 据采集数平台 实验室 数据采集 模拟试验
This paper introduces the concept of virtual instrument and a practical data acquisition system,through hardware and software technologies to achieve a wide range of analog signal acquisition and processing.Give full play to the advantages of virtual instrumentation, modular software design methods, design independent of the type of device applications.
Introduced a high-speed data acquisition system, the system uses a combination of data acquisition module data interface card hardware as a dedicated auxiliary equipment. Through the PCI bus extended to the computer, the Windows operating system environment in the use of software programming methodology to computer control unit as a collection of hardware-assisted by the bus configuration and operation of equipment to achieve a high sampling rate data acquisition, control and two-way communication function.
Data acquisition is an essential technological means to carry out various kinds of experiments in laboratory.The laboratory data gathering synthetically adopts computer technology,communication technology,display technology and control technology.And its design principle:disperse controlling,concentration operating,classification controlling,division autonomy.It realizes many kinds of the parameter gathering,store,analysis and remotion conveyance.The date gathering platform can simplify the experiment’s preparation,and improve the accuracy of gathering data in physics experiment simulated test.
The development of date acquisition platform divided into hardware and software design.This paper mainly introduces the design of software architecture platform,especially the choice of acquisition card,and using VB to compile a data acquisition platform for physics experiments.Introduced its user interface and main functions,Finally, using the platform of the physical simulation test case
Keywords: Data acquisition platform; Laboratory; Data acquisition; Simulated test
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景与意义 1
1.2 研究内容 1
1.3 研究意义 1
1.4 本章小结 2
第二章 物理实验室数据采集平台总体方案设计 3
2.1 传感器及其调理电路 3
2.2 数据采集卡及其虚拟器硬件平台 4
2.3 实时数据采集系统的设计 4
第三章 系统设计 6
3.1 硬件系统 6
3.2 软件系统 6
3.2.1 系统软件结构 6
3.2.2 Visual Basic可视化界面设计 7
3.2.3 采集卡的选择 8
第四章 数据采集软件设计 9
4.1 数据采集卡的选用和驱动程序安装 9
4.1.1 采集器件的选用 9
4.1.2 驱动程序安装 10
4.2 软件分层设计技术 12
4.3 软件总体框图.14
4.4 功能界面设计.15
第五章 数据处理中的虚拟仪器技术 18
5.1 虚拟仪器概述 18
5.1.1 虚拟仪器的概述 18
5.1.2 虚拟仪器的特点 18
5.1.3 虚拟仪器的构成及分类 19
5.2 虚拟仪器的实现 22
5.2.1 虚拟仪器的设计特点 22
5.2.2 虚拟仪器软件结构 25
5.2.3 数据显示 25
5.2.4 控制器件 25
5.2.5 虚拟仪器软面板的制作 26
5.2.6 数据分析 28
第六章 物理实验数据采集平台实验案列30
6.1 牛顿第二定律的验证方法.30
6.2 牛顿第三定律的验证32
第七章 总 结.. 35
参考文献 36
致 谢 37