论文编号:JX809 论文字数:12162.页数:42 附CAD图
600)makesmallpic(this,600,1800);'''' src="http:///upload_files/article/44/7062_20111227131257_vjqww.png" width="375" height="82" border="0" title="小型挖掘机工作装置设计文件截图.png" />摘 要
关键词: 挖掘机 结构 受力分析 经验公式
The Structural Design of Small Excavator
This paper is mainly to design the Work installment of excavator in the : Moves arm, Doo-under bucket, Pin, connecting rod Institutions based on using the original data of small excavators and the Empirical formula,the Revolving vector method ,also the Mechanics computation. In this paper on the first working device in the structure of the various agencies to identify and select the initial location and layout of the original data set. Second through the whole device can be simplified treatment, to map out the work of the agency after the model of the boom, the various components, such as Doo-bodies kinematics analysis, the analysis determined by calculating the size of the basic institutions. And then, strenuously, accepting passing to each organization under different working condition or peculiar limit working condition analyses and calculates the parameter carrying out physical design and ascertaining each dimensions.At last accomplish this design behind selecting and using ascertaining standard pieces such as axis pin and bolt.
Keywords: Excavator, Structure , Stress analysis, Empirical formula
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目录 iii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景及目的 1
1.2国内外研究状况 1
1.3论文构成及研究内容 1
第二章 总体方案设计 3
2.1 工作装置构成 3
2.2 动臂及斗杆的结构形式 5
2.3 动臂油缸与铲斗油缸的布置 5
第三章 工作装置运动学分析 7
3.1 动臂运动分析 7
3.2 斗杆的运动分析 8
3.3 铲斗的运动分析 9
第四章 基本尺寸的确定 14
4.1 斗形参数的确定 14
4.2 动臂机构参数的选择 14
4.3斗杆机构基本参数的选择 20
4.4 铲斗机构基本参数的选择 20
第五章 工作装置结构设计 24
5.1斗杆的结构设计 24
5.2动臂结构设计 35
第六章 销轴与衬套的设计 49
6.1 销轴的设计 49
6.2 销轴用螺栓的设计 49
6.3 衬套的设计 49
第七章 总结 51
参考文献 52
致谢 53