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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1313 论文字数:16894.页数:61 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译

摘     要
关键词:邻氯苯甲酸  化工自动化  PLC 组态软件
 This paper is a chemical factory 0-chloro-benzoic acid in the automation production system design. This factory 0-chloro-benzoic acid for the traditional mode of production in neighboring pchlorotoluene, glacial acetic acid solution, catalysts and stress conditions in step with air or oxygen and oxidation. In polymerization process, workers need to monitor temperature and pressure gauge, when the design value, manual closing valves, when designing and value than to open the valve. A complete system involves many valves, high risk of artificial demand, so urgent need for its automation reconstruction.
 In details about the scene, this paper 0-chloro-benzoic acid reaction kettle of control system design were analyzed carefully. Text is divided into five chapters, the first chapter of the subject research background and significance, and China''''s chemical automation status. The second chapter to the whole system through an introduction to the analysis and solution of the control method. The third chapter introduces emphatically the selection of hardware circuit design and process, the design. The fourth chapter tells of the software system is designed. The final chapter is to record the process and results of testing system.
 Based on PLC control, configuration software monitoring of modern automation control system in chemical industry has the security, stability and economic aspects, efficiency, are currently domestic enterprise needs. Therefore the future of this chemical will have more space.
Keyword:0-chloro-benzoic acid  Chemical industry automation  PLC  Configuration software 
目  录
 摘     要 I
 Abstract II
 目  录 III
 第一章 绪论 5
1.1 本课题的研究背景与意义 5
1.2 我国化工自动化现状 5
1.3 本课题的主要任务和内容 6
 第二章 邻氯苯甲酸反应釜控制系统方案设计 7
2.1邻氯苯甲酸生产流程简介 7
2.2系统总体方案的拟定 8
2.2.1系统控制要求简述 8
2.2.2邻氯苯甲酸反应釜控制系统结构设计 9
2.2.3系统工作流程 9
 第三章 控制系统的硬件选型与设计 10
3.1控制系统的元器件汇总 10
3.2硬件系统主要部件说明 10
3.2.1可编程控制器 10
3.2.2传感器 11
3.2.3电磁阀流量阀 13
3.3 PLC输入/输出资源分配 14
3.3.1 PLC的开关信号输入(按钮、开关类) 14
3.3.2 PLC的检测信号输入(传感器类) 14
3.3.3 PLC的输出信号 14
3.4 PLC系统的设计线路图 15
3.5外部电路接线图布置 17
3.6 邻氯苯甲酸反应釜控制系统具体元器件汇总表 18
 第四章  控制系统的软件设计 20
4.1邻氯苯甲酸反应釜控制系统的编程环境 20
4.2 各模块程序设计 21
4.2.1初始化模块 21
4.2.2开关量输入模块 22
4.2.3模拟量输入模块 22
4.2.4开关量输出模块 23
4.2.5调节阀处理模块 24
4.3 组态软件实时监控系统设计 25
4.3.1 组态王软件简介 26
4.3.2 组态王通讯设置 27
4.3.3 绘制系统的组态画面 29
 第五章 系统软硬件联调 33
5.1 系统软件调试 33
5.1.1 PLC程序调试 33
5.1.2 组态软件调试 33
5.2 系统硬件调试 34
5.2.1 A/D模块与D/A的调试 34
5.2.2 传感器信号调试 36
5.3 系统软硬件组合调试 36
 总  结 37
 参考文献 38
 致  谢 39
 附  录 40

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