论文编号:DZ235 论文字数:15015.页数:24,附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译
摘 要
With the popularization of the Internet as well as its application in various fields, online shopping is being accepted and used by most people. As one of the main groups of online buyers, college students have contributed a lot to the development of online shopping market and the development of China’s economy as well. Therefore, making researches on the factors that drive college students to choose online shopping has been of so important. We’ll make a research on the college students’ online shopping behavior in order to find out the driving factors that related, according to the specific characteristics of college students. Via designing a questionnaire, sending questionnaires and collecting questionnaires to get data related, and handle these data. Using the factor analyze function of SPSS software to analyze the data, getting the factors drive college students’ online shopping. Then make relevant suggestions based on the research result.
Key words:College students, Online shopping, Driving factors, Suggestions
目 录
前 言 1
1网购概述 2
1.1网络购物的内涵 2
1.2网络购物过程 2
1.2.1 唤起需求 2
1.2.2 收集信息 2
1.2.3比较选择 2
1.2.4购买决策 2
1.2.5购后行为 3
1.3网络购物的优势 3
1.3.1种类丰富多样 3
1.3.2全天候运作 3
1.3.3 购物成本低 3
1.3.4商品价格低 3
1.3.5低库存 4
1.3.6商品信息更新快捷 4
1.3.7商品查找容易 4
1.3.8全球化 4
1.4网络购物在我国的发展现状 4
2大学生网络购物行为分析 5
2.1大学生消费行为特征 5
2.2大学生网购现状 6
2.3大学生网购过程中遇到的问题 6
3大学生网购驱动因素研究 7
3.1研究框架 7
3.2变量确定及其概念 7
3.2.1网上购物意向 8
3.2.2网上购物安全 8
3.2.3 感知的配送成本 8
3.2.4感知网上购物可靠 8
3.2.5 感知网上商店的信息质量 8
3.2.6 消费者感知网上商店的服务质量 8
3.2.7网络经验 9
3.3调查问卷设计 9
3.4样本资料概况 9
3.5大学生网购驱动因素分析 10
3.5.1互联网使用情况 10
3.5.2大学生网购情况 11
3.5.3 分析工具简介 13
3.5.4 网购驱动因素分析过程及结果 14
4建议与展望 16
4.1对网络购物的建议 16
4.1.1坚持诚实守信 16
4.1.2整顿行业规范 17
4.1.3加强网站信息归类整理和信息的安全保障 17
4.1.4物流配送及时 17
4.1.5完善网店商品质保服务,健全网店认证体系 17
4.2对网络购物前景的展望 17
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20