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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/09/21


论文编号:DZ222  论文字数:9389.页数:22,附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译

摘 要
Text  Along with the electronic commerce fast development, its payment question prepares continuously is paid attention.People each kind of payment question which appears in view of the network in, proposed all sorts of countermeasures.Among them, SSL, SET are at present receive the affirmation and apply most two kind of security protocols, but in 2001 VISA proposed uses to substitute SET 3D-Secure also to start to bring to everybody attention, therefore, I conducted the research to these three kind of agreements, compared with its respective characteristic and the applicable scope, as well as will carry on the discussion to the future electron payment feasible way very much to have the value and the practical significance.

Key words:Electronic Commerce,Security Protocol,SSL,SET,3D—Secure
目  录

前 言 1
1 电子商务支付协议概述 2
2 SSL协议 2
2.1  SSL的定义 2
2.2  SSL的安全手段 3
2.3  SSL的功能特性 3
2.4  SSL安全协议主要提供的服务: 3
2.5  SSL安全协议的电子交易过程 3
2.6  SSL协议的发展 4
3 SET协议 4
3.1  SET的定义 4
3.2  SET的安全手段 4
3.3  SET的功能特性 5
3.4  SET协议的交易过程 5
3.5  SET安全协议要达到的目标 6
4 3D—Secure技术 6
4.1  3D—Secure的定义 6
4.2 3D—Secure的安全手段 6
4.3 3D—Secure的功能特性 7
4.4  3D—Secure的工作流程 7
4.5  3D—Secure的工作机制 7
4、6 3D—Secure的优势 8
5 三种支付协议的比较 8
5.1 功能方面 8
5.2 安全方面 9
5.3 加密机制 9
5.4三种协议在购物过程中的比较 9
5、5 结论 10
6 SSL协议的实例应用 10
结 论 16
致 谢 17
参考文献 18

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