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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/04


论文编号:DZ1610  论文字数:12896摘    要随着电子商务的迅猛发展,物流在电子商务的发展中起着越来越重要的作用。在电子商务的快速发展的同时,人们发现电子商务的瓶颈问题也逐渐凸显,如:网络安全问题、网上支付问题、物流问题等。然而,随着科学技术的不断进步,网络安全问题、网上支付问题的问题都得到了解决,唯有物流瓶颈,是迫切亟待解决的问题。本文介绍了电子商务与物流的概念、电子商务和物流的关系、电子商务物流模式,并对我国电子商务物流发展现状进行了阐述,对我国电子商务发展中出现的“物流瓶颈”问题进行分析,我国电子商务发展中出现的“物流瓶颈”问题主要有:物流基础设施不完善、物流配送系统不完善和管理水平不高、 物流企业行为不规范、意识淡薄、物流人才匮乏、第三方物流发展落后等,结合出现这种问题的原因,最后提出了一些完善我国电子商务现代物流体系的发展的具体措施。关键字:电子商务;物流;物流瓶颈 Discussion of the logistics bottleneck and countermeasure on our country electronic commerce developmentAbstractThe repaid development of the logistics in electronic commerce, the logistics plays more and more important role. With the fast development of electronic commerce, there are some bottleneck problems becoming more and more clearly, for example: internet security problem, online payment problem, logistics problem and so on. Because of the scientific technology’s continuous progress, the problems of internet security and online payment are all solved, while the logistic bottleneck problem is still unsolved, which is need to be settled urgently. The paper tells the conception of the electronic commerce and logistics, the relationship between electronic commerce and logistics, the model of electronic commerce logistics. The article stats the current situation of our country’s electronic commerce logistics, analysis the logistics bottleneck in electronic commerce development. There are some logistic bottleneck problems in the electronic commerce development in nation, it is: imperfect basic logistics and logistic distribution and delivery, poor management level, non-standard logistic enterprises behavior, poor consciousness, short of logistic specialists, slow development of the third logistics and so on., combine all these problems, the article presents some measures of our modern electronic commerce and logistics system at last.Keyword:  electronic commerce; Logistics;Logistics bottleneck
目    录引言1一、电子商务的涵义及相关理论知识2(一)电子商务物流相关概念2(二)电子商务与物流的关系31. 物流是电子商务的重要组成部分32. 物流是电子商务概念模型的基本要素33. 物流是实现电子商务的保证4(三)电子商务物流模式51. 自营物流52. 物流联盟53. 第三方物流64. 第四方物流65. 物流一体化6二、我国电子商务物流的发展现状8(一)对物流服务的需求越来越多8(二)物流费用占GDP比重下降9三、电子商务发展中存在的物流瓶颈及原因分析10(一)物流的基础设施上不完善10(二)物流系统的不完善与管理水平不高10(三)物流企业的行为不规范11(四)物流政策、制度和观念落后12(五)物流人才匮乏12(六)第三方物流发展落后13四、解决我国电子商务发展中物流瓶颈问题的对策13(一)加强物流基础设施的规划与建设13(二)加强硬、软件建设,实现物流配送体系的现代化14(三)树立物流信用体系,规范物流公司行为16(四)提高认识,加快完善物流法律法规,积极发挥政府作用16(五)大力培养物流专业人才17(六)大力发展第三方物流增值服务18五、结论20参考文献21致谢22
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