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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/09/21


论文编号:DZ006        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:12323,页数:16

摘    要


【关键词】深圳市 电子政务 门户网站




In recent years, ShenZhen has undergone great development in the construction of E-government, which has drawn great attention from the government and citizen. However, owing to the over-fast development, ShenZhen has encountered various problems in the construction of E-government, such as E-government goals, coordination of various departments in the government, the sharing of information and the government management innovation by E-government, etc.
This paper starts with the elaboration of E-government, then analyzes the characteristics of ShenZhen E-government and advocates some suggestions on the construction of ShenZhen E-government according to the current problems of ShenZhen E-government. In order to have a further development of ShenZhen E-government, Shenzhen government should have new ideas for the construction of the city E-government, pay much attention to systematic planning, and carry out the concept of “Government Affairs First, and People Most” so that the government can be able to build ShenZhen government into an efficient, practical, incorruptible, cherishable and open government.

【Key Words】  E-government; Portal;  IT


目  录

引言 ................................................................2
1.1选题的意义 .......................................................2
1.2国内外研究状况及发展趋势 .........................................2
1.3电子政务简介 .....................................................3
2深圳市电子政务的特点 ...............................................4
2.1深圳市电子政务自成体系 ...........................................4
2.2高效、务实、亲民、开放、廉洁的电子政府 ...........................5
2.3深圳市电子政务有强大的市场需要和信息化基础作为支撑............... 5
3深圳市电子政务建设存在的问题....................................... 6
3.1政府工作人员对电子政务的认识有偏差............................... 6
3.2电子政务各自为政,资源不共享,缺少统筹协调 .......................7
3.3电子政务不能解决老百姓所关心的现实问题 ...........................7
3.4只见电子,不见政务 ...............................................8
4完善深圳市电子政务建设的几点建议 ...................................8
4.1树立以服务公众为中心的意识....................................... 9
4.2重视整合资源统筹规划 .............................................10
4.3打破信息割据,实现资源共享和业务协同 .............................10
4.4政府网站建设要贯彻建以致用的思想 .................................11
4.5电子政务建设要充分结合政府管理的创新 .............................12
4.6强化市领导的认知和重视程度 .......................................12
4.7找好电子政务应用与安全的平衡点 ...................................13
4.8充分借鉴外国特别是美国在电子政务建设方面的经验 ...................13
5 结束语 ............................................................14
参考文献 ............................................................15
致谢 ................................................................16

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