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论文编号:JD325       论文字数:24032,页数:40

摘要:交流接触器是低压电器主要产品,是基础元件,量大面广。它的结构先进寿命与可靠性的提高,既影响企业生产的竞争能力,又影响国家经济建设。CJ20型交流接触器主要用于交流50Hz(60Hz)、额定电压至660V(个别等级能至1140V)、电流至630A的电力线路中供远距离频繁接通和分断电路以及频繁起动和控制交流电动机,并适宜与热继电器或电子保护装置组成电磁起动器,以保护电路或交流电动机可能发生的过负荷及断相。        CJ20-63交流接触器为直动式,双断点,立体布置,结构简单紧凑,外形安装腔尺寸较老产品大大缩小。


ABSTRACT:It is the main products of low-voltage electric apparatus , and the basic component to exchange the contactor , have a large capacity and a wide range. The improvement of its advanced life-span of structure and dependability , has already influenced the competitive power which enterprises produce, influence national economic construction again。CJ20 type exchanges the contactor and is used for exchanging 50Hz mainly (60Hz), the specified voltage is to 660V (whether specific grade can to 1140V), electric current for frequently putting through and assigning to and give up the circuit to the electric circuit of 630A and frequently start and control and exchange the motor remotely, suitable for making up the electromagnetic starter with the hot relay or the electronic protector , in order to protect circuit or exchange whom motor might take place pass loading and broken looks. CJ20-63 exchanges the contactor for the moving directly type, pair is a bit more broken, fix up three-dimensionally , of simple structure and compact, appearance install of size old product dwindle greatly.
Keywords: Contactor , structure , craft

目   录

摘  要 
绪论  1
1.1 CJ20发展现状和前景展望  1
1.1.1 产品的现状  1
1.1.2 产品的发展趋势  1
1.1.3 CJ20系列接触器性能和结构  1
1.1.4 主要研究内容和思路  2
主要零件工艺分析  3
   2.1 线圈结构分析、工艺设计、质量检验方法及设备  3
2.1.1 结构分析工艺设计  3
2.1.2 质量检验方法及设备  9
   2.2 磁轭结构分析,工艺设计,质量检测方法及设备  8
2.2.1 磁轭的结构分析  8
2.2.2 磁轭的工艺设计  9
2.2.3 质量检测方法及设备  12
   2.3触头连接工艺分析  14
2.3.1 焊料和焊剂  15
2.3.2 火焰钎焊  16
2.3.3 电阻钎焊  17
2.3.4 炉中钎焊  18
2.3.5 表面处理及表面镀层  19
2.4 塑料件的工艺分析  21
2.5 触头支持工艺分析  24
2.5.1 装配、连接工艺常用的工具器具和专用设备  24
2.5.2 各零件组装、连接工艺  24
   2.6 弹簧支持工艺设计  24
2.6.1 选材及板材剪裁  25
2.6.2 冲裁  25
2.6.3 弯曲  25
2.6.4 电镀  25
2.7 弹簧支持冲裁模设计  27
2.7.1 图纸资料  27
2.7.2 冲裁的工艺性  28
2.7.3 分析比较和确定工艺方案  28
2.7.4 有关尺寸的计算  29
2.7.5 冲裁零件设计  32
致谢  34
参考文献  35
附图  36

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