论文编号:JD505 论文字数:8844,页数:18
The I2C bus is the serial bus which Philips corporation promotes. The overall system only depends on the data line (SDA) and the clock line (SCL) realizes the consummation full-duplex data transmission. Namely CPU only depends on these two lines with each periphery component to realize the exchange of information. The I2C bus system compares with the traditional parallel bus system has the simple structure, the good maintainability, easy to realize the system to expand, realize the modular standardization design, the reliable higher merit.
The present paper mainly elaborated the data transmission question between the I2C bus components by the I2C bus which expands by single chip microcomputer. This design uses AT89S51 single chip microcomputer''s two I/O mouth to expand the I2C bus. Overall system is constituted by temperature sensor, signal gathering electric circuit, keyboard, display circuit, E2PROM reading-writing electric circuit. This system may gather the environment temperature, may also establish the police temperature through the keyboard, then demonstrates the ambient temperature and the police temperature on LCD. The single chip microcomputer may read or write E2PRPOM through the I2C bus, then demonstrate the store content.
As far as the design of the hardware is concerned, we chose AD590 as the temperature sensor to gather the environment temperature, and chose Phillips Corporation''s PCF8591 with the I2C bus mouth as A/D conversion to operate the gathering single, the touching style key as the keyboard, 128*64LCD with Chinese fonts as the monitor display. Because we has not found has I2C connection LCD, we also used Phillips Corporation''s PCF8574 chip with the I2C bus in controlling the LCD demonstration. We use the E2PROM AT24C04 chip as the external memory, whose capacity is 4K. The development of software adopts the popular modularized structure and the modularized debug facilities. The design of software adopts assembly C language entirely. The primary program is composed of main program, I2C expansion procedure, keyboard scanning subroutine, A/D sampling subroutine, LCD demonstration subroutine and so on.
The advantage of the design is that the I2C bus make electric circuit more simple. therefore the chip’s pin will be less moreover the PCB line also to reduce, causes the hardware benefit biggest and electric circuit simple.
Key words: I2Cbus,data bus,bus expansion
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 I2C总线介绍 3
1.2 I2C总线特征 3
1.2.1 I2C总线的优点 3
1.2.2 I2C总线在系统开发中的作用 4
1.2.3 I2C总线的一般应用特性 4
1.3 课题指导思想 5
1.4 课题设计任务和要求 5
1.5 论文结构 6
第2章 I2C总线协议 7
2.1 起始和停止条件 7
2.2 响应 7
2.3 仲裁和时钟发生 8
2.3.1 同步 8
2.3.2 仲裁 9
2.4 七位的地址格式 10
2.5 本章小节 11
第3章 系统设计思想及主要应用器件 13
3.1 系统设计的总体思想 13
3.2 系统硬件简介 13
3.2.1 硬件设计思想 13
3.2.2 硬件构成 14
3.3 系统主要器件 14
3.3.1 PCF8591 14
3.3.2 PCF8574 15
3.3.3 LCD 16
3.3.4 E2PROM 18
3.4 模块设计 18
3.4.1 键盘模块 18
3.4.2 温度采集模块 21
3.4.3 LCD控制模块 22
3.4.4 E2PROM 23
3.5 本章小结 23
第4章 系统软件设计 25
4.1 系统软件设计要解决的问题 25
4.2 系统软件模块 25
4.2.1 单片机扩展I2C总线 25
4.2.2 A/D转换模块 28
4.2.3 键盘 29
4.2.4 LCD显示模块 32
4.2.5 E2PROM的读写 34
4.3 本章小节 36
结论 37
谢辞 39
参考文献 39