论文编号:DZXX013 论文字数:10518,页数:34
关键词:IC卡电表 单片机 欠费报警
IC card electricity meter extensive use, extremely large convenient consumer and electric power company, has saved a labour force, subtractive an awful lot of trouble collecting electric charge and delivering electric charge, is but simultaneous, since IC electricity meter design aspect leaving out , it''s the function giving an alarm are still the satisfied degree being able to not reach a consumer. Under this big background, we choose "the IC card electricity meter owing forecasting system-consuming design" this problem, hope is able to make contribution to IC electricity meter field.
Since should design the actual problem requiring that solving is a daily life, system has the very strong society applicability, reason why, realizing system function, reducing system cost in systematic design, is the guiding ideology designing that. Deliver IC-consuming electricity meter in advance reporting an emergency in prestore quantity of electric charge surplus for LED gives out light when certain value. Since the entire storey of housing district or the entire ridgepole building consumer electricity meter concentrates alarm on a electric power chest middle, the consumer observes do not go to the lavatory very much. For making a consumer convenient fetch owe alarm-consuming , not changing the state now having public facilities at the same time, system adopt the monolithic machine to be under the control of module , the electric line of force carrier wave communication module is to transfer a module , make use of an electric line of force to do transmission medium.
Keywords: IC card electricity meter Monolithic machine
Owe warning-consuming
摘要 I
绪论 1
第1章 设计方案论证 3
1.1发送电路 4
1.2接收电路 4
第2章 硬件设计 5
2.1控制芯片 5
2.1.1主要特性 5
2.1.2振荡器特性 5
2.1.3芯片擦除 6
2.2传输模块 6
2.3发送电路设计 8
2.3.1原理简述及框图 8
2.3.2原理图 8
2.4接收电路设计 9
2.4.1原理简述及框图 9
2.4.2原理图 9
2.5报警装置 10
2.6稳压电源 10
2.7测试电路 10
第3章 软件设计 12
3.1发送程序设计 12
3.1.1发送程序流程图 12
3.1.2发送程序详细设计 13
3.2接收程序设计 15
3.2.1接收程序流程图 15
3.2.2接收程序详细设计 15
第4章 系统调试 18
4.1软硬件调试 18
4.2稳定性测试 20
4.3工具介绍 21
4.3.1串口精灵2.8 21
4.3.2开发工具 22
第5章 系统设计总结 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
附录 27
附录1: 系统硬件电路设计原理图 27
附录2: 系统程序 28