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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD755  设计字数:18494,页数:29


摘  要: 提出一种IC 卡智能燃气的解决办法, IC卡智能燃气表是一种根据用户IC卡购气量实现自动计量计费、自动控制用气的民用高技术产品,具有传统人工抄表收费式燃气表无可比拟的优越性。IC卡智能燃气表是在常规家用模式燃气表体上安装智能测控系统而构成的,该测控系统主要由单片机系统模块、微功耗电阀门、流量传感器、电源模块、IC卡座、实时时钟模块、LCD显示器模块、以及防盗防磁模块等组成。本文介绍了它的原理框图、电源电路、接口电路和软件流程。该智能燃气表具有功耗低、安全性好、可靠性高的特点。
关  键  词: IC卡智能燃气表  软硬件  单片机

Design & Realization of the IC Card Intelligent Fuel Meter
Linfu Ban
Abstract: A solution to the IC card intelligent fuel-meter is put forward. The IC card intelligent fuel-meter is a high-tech civil product which can not only compute the fees according to the quantity of fuel used but also control the use of fuel automatically, taking a grate advantage over the traditional manual reading fuel-meter. It is designed by adding an intelligent measuring and controlling system which mainly consists of system circuit of SCM, a flux sensor, a memory, a power-efficient valve, a power circuit, an IC card fitting, a real time clock, defend the magnetic needle guard against theft mold piece ,a LCD monitor and a controlling valve of the pipe of gas to the common used fuel-meter. And the principle block diagram, the power circuit, the interface circuit and software flow of the IC card intelligent fuel-meter are introduced. This product has power efficiency, good security and high reliability.
Key  words: IC card intelligent fuel-meter   hardware and software   SCM

目  录

一  引言 2
二  IC卡燃气表系统功能 3
三 IC 卡智能燃气表系统组成 4
(一) 单片机模块 4
1. 管脚说明 5
2. 振荡器特性 5
3. 闲置模式 6
4. 掉电模式 6
(二)保护模块 6
1. X5043操作原理 7
2. X5043软件程序设计 7
3. X5043看门狗定时器的使用 8
4. X5043复位引发的问题及解决方案 8
5.  EEPROM存储电路 9
6.  电压监测电路 9
7.  电源保护电路 9
(三) 显示液晶及声光报警模块 9
(四) IC卡及读写电路 9
(五) AT24系列存储器的特性 9
1.  总线状态及时序 10
2.  I2C总线在IC卡设计中的应用 10
四 系统软件流程图 10
五 系统主程序模块 11
六  系统完善及设想 16
七  致谢词 17
附录部分 17
参 考 文 献 19
译文 19

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