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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/28


论文编号:JD1135  论文字数:29582,页数:55

 本文针对JZ25-1S 油气田高孔高渗油田开发的特殊性,并结合海上酸化作业的难点,开展了这类油藏储层伤害机理和类型、增产机理、优选酸液体系、酸液分流技术、酸化工艺参数优化等研究。通过研究对酸化机理及其影响因素有了全面认识,筛选出了适合JZ25-1S油气田的酸液体系和适合的酸液分流技术并对施工参数进行优化。工艺技术、酸液体系的研究成果最终形成了实用的高孔高渗非均质砂岩油藏酸化对策和配套酸化工艺技术,对国内外类似砂岩储层酸化都有借鉴。
 Matrix acidizing of the sandstone is one of the technical measures to stabilize or increase the production of a oil or gas well, lower the injection pressure and enhance the injection of a injection well. The aim is to dissolve the particle and impurity in the formation near the wellbore caused by drilling, workover and water injection, through the flow of acid in the pore, cavity and microcrack in the formation, so as to relieve the formation damage, dredge the flow channel, thus recover and enhance the production.
 Aimed at the formation particularity of JZ25-1S oil and gas field, combined the difficulty of offshore acid, this paper presents the research of reservoir damage mechanism and types,the mechanism of stimulation, optimizing the acid fluid system, acid diversion technique, optimizing acid technology parameter. Through the research, we have fully understanding about acid mechanism and the damage factor, and we select the appropriate acid system and acid diversion technique, optimize construction parameter for JZ25-1S. The research accomplishment of acidizing technology, acid fluid system and not only  formed practical sandstone acidizing countermeasure and complex acidizing technology and technique in BOHAI oil field, but also provided some experiences for the similar conditions in the whole world.
 Key words: acid simulation; sandstone acid; formation damage; acid technology; matrix acid
 摘要 I
 1绪论 1
 1.1本文研究的目的和意义 1
 1.2砂岩储层酸化技术国内外发展现状 2
 1.3 本文的技术关键和研究思路 4
 1.3.1本文的技术关键 4
 1.3.2本文的研究思路 5
 1.4本文的主要工作 5
 2 砂岩酸化工艺及增产机理研究 7
 2.1 砂岩酸化工艺 7
 2.1.1 酸洗 7
 2.1.2 基质酸化 7
 2.1.3 压裂酸化 7
 2.2 砂岩酸化反应机理 8
 2.3 酸化增产机理研究 10
 2.3.1 酸化增产原理 10
 2.3.2海上高孔高渗砂岩油藏酸化增产机理分析 12
 2.4本章小结 13
 3 JZ25-1S油气田砂岩储层特征及伤害因素研究 15
 3.1 储层特征 15
 3.1.1 构造位置 15
 3.1.2物性特征 15
 3.1.3 油藏特征 16
 3.2 储层伤害研究 16
 3.2.1 钻井过程对储层的伤害 17
 3.2.2 固井过程对储层的伤害 17
 3.2.3 完井及修井过程对储层的伤害 18
 3.2.4 采油过程中对储层的伤害 18
 3.3 酸化过程中需要注意的问题 18
 3.3 本章小结 19
 4海上高孔高渗砂岩油藏适宜的酸液体系 20
 4.1 概述 20
 4.2 砂岩深部酸化常用的酸液体系 22
 4.3 氟硼酸深部酸化工艺研究 25
 4.3.1氟硼酸对砂岩矿物的溶蚀反应动力学机理研究 25
 4.3.2 氟硼酸对粘土和地层微粒稳定作用的研究 30
 4.4 氟硼酸浓度的确定 32
 4.5酸化效果试验评价 33
 4.6 本章小结 34
 5 暂堵分流酸化技术研究 36
 5.1 暂堵分流酸化技术及其发展 36
 5.2 化学微粒分流酸化原理 37
 5.3 分流剂的性能要求 38
 5.4 本章小结 39
 6 砂岩酸化施工参数优化 40
 6.1 酸化选井选层原则 40
 6.2 施工工艺参数的确定 41
 6.2.1 施工排量 41
 6.2.2 最大注液地面压力 42
 6.2.3 最大水马力的确定 43
 6.3 现场常用的酸液添加剂 44
 6.4 砂岩酸化泵注程序 46
 6.5 本章小结 47
 结论 48
 致谢 50
 参考文献 51

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