论文编号:JD503 论文字数:15898,页数:43
Main topics on the system is the choice of programme, the frame of hardware system, the main problem-solving in part of software and process of systems, and so on. The choice of programme in this system is three parts: the choice to shift register and then according the shift register to decide whether to expand current and to decide 4-16 Decoder''s choice; Finally, there is the choice of external memory, according to the implementation and the speed to take several decisions by the memory. Hardware system is mainly on some principles and functions of a few major chip. These include: performance and its internal functions of core processors AT89S52 ; the shift output-control and the principle of the role of 74 HC595; the connections of 74 HC4514 and uln2803 and its principle of enlarge the current; the control method of I2C in E2PROM memory--24C04 and the timing of its strict control format; the role of RAM and finally is the knowledge of catching up with computer. Software in the system is to solve the main problem in five modules: First, the modules of sending message to 595, and the other is to calculation the addresses of the message, which is essential to normal control of a module, and the third is E2PROM module , in four RAM modules, is the guarantee for the speed to get message, and in the top-five communications module, mainly to know the format of SCON and the baud rate, beside these,there is a process for display. Finally, I will sum up for the system, and subject the problem in this system.
Key words:LED,the display of Large-screen, the system of display
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 3
1.1 研究背景 3
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.3 引入的新技术 4
1.4 课题要完成的主要任务 5
1.4.1 硬件任务 5
1.4.2 软件任务 5
第二章 LED显示屏概述和方案选择 6
2.1 LED显示屏概述 6
2.2 LED大屏幕显示系统的组成和分类 6
2.2.1 大屏幕显示技术 6
2.2.2 系统组成 6
2.2.3 LED显示系统的分类 7
2.2.4 LED显示屏的工作原理 7
2.3 系统方案选择 8
2.3.1 串入并出芯片的选择 8
2.3.2 4-16译码芯片的选择 8
2.3.3 外部存储器的选择 8
2.4 本章小节 9
第三章 系统设计思想及主要应用器件 10
3.1系统设计的总体思想 10
3.2系统硬件简介 11
3.2.1硬件设计思想 11
3.2.2硬件构成 11
3.3 系统主要器件 12
3.3.1核心控制器件AT89S52 12
3.3.2 74HC595 13
3.3.3 74HC4514 14
3.3.4 扩流芯片uln2803 15
3.3.5 E2PROM 15
3.3.6 RAM 16
3.3.7 与上位机通信 16
3.4 本章小结 19
第四章 系统软件设计 20
4.1 系统软件设计要解决的问题 20
4.2 系统软件模块 21
4.2.1 74HC595送数模块 22
4.2.2 送数地址算法 26
4.2.3 E2PROM读写 28
4.2.4 RAM读写 33
4.2.5 与上位机通信 36
4.3 本章小节 38
结论 39
谢辞 41
参考文献 41