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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD911   论文字数:13306,页数:34                        

 本文是在以Atmel公司的AT89C51SND1C为核心处理器的嵌入式终端上实现MP3功能。此芯片是基于C51内核,方便代码的编辑与调试,且片内自带MP3硬件解码单元与USB控制单元等,这样降低了硬件设计难度。整个系统用NAND FLASH来存储MP3文件,使用USB与USB HOST进行文件交互,用URAT与PC机进行通信。文中比较详细的介绍了该系统硬﹑软件实现方法。
 关 键 词:MP3   USB通信   AT89C51SND1C   WM8759
 Abstract:Along with the development of science and technology, the embedded terminal products with digital audio function is widely used in our daily life, and the associated digital audio compression technologies are also highly developed, MP3 is the most popular one in various digital audio compression technologies according it’s excellent performance. Now, with MP3 function have became the trends of the embedded terminal products. In this article, we mainly discussed how to realize the MP3 function in the embedded terminal products.
 In this article, the main work is to realize the MP3 function on the AT89C51SND1C of the Atmel Company. This chip is according to the kernel of C51, it’s convenient to write and debug the code, and chip has MP3 hardware decoding unit and USB control unit, so hardware design become easy. The whole system carry on MP3 document with NAND FLASH, use USB to exchange document with USB HOST and URAT to communicate with personal computer. More details to realize the hardware and software methods in this article are introduced.
 Key Words:MP3   USB Communication   AT89C51SND1C   WM8759

目 录
摘要 1
1.引言 3
1.1 研究背景 3
1.2主要研究工作 3
1.3本文主要结构 4
2.MP3文件格式 5
3.系统硬件开发平台的构建 6
3.1系统设计方案 6
3.2硬件平台的设计与构建 6
3.2.1 控制器AT89C51SND1C 6
3.2.2 NAND FLASH K9F5608 8
3.2.3数模转换器WM8759 10
3.2.4 USB部分电路 11
3.3低功耗的设计 13
3.4 PCB设计 14
4.系统软件开发平台的构建 15
4.1 软件模块 15
4.2 各单元流程图 15
4.3 编译调试环境 17
5.系统软件开发平台的构建 18
5.1文件系统的建立与实现 18
5.1.1 主引导扇区(MBR区) 18
5.1.2 系统引导记录区(DBR区) 18
5.1.3 文件分配表(FAT区) 19
5.1.4 文件目录表(FDT区) 20
5.1.5 数据区(DATA区) 21
5.2 USB批量传输方式的建立 21
5.2.1 USB概述 21
5.2.2 USB海量存储设备 22
5.2.3 Bulk-Only传输协议 22
5.2.4  U盘的工作过程 23
5.2.5  AT89C51SND1C内的USB控制器 24
5.3 串口通信功能的实现 26
5.4 MP3解码功能的实现 27
5.4.1 AT89C51SND1C内的MP3解码单元 27
5.4.2 AT89C51SND1C内的音频接口单元 28
6 系统性能测试与分析 30
参考文献 31

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