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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD54 论文字数:20720,页数:50

硬件方面,以STV7697作为64*16 LED显示屏数据电极的驱动芯片,以单片机为核心控制模块,通过对列数据信号与行扫描信号的控制,在LED显示屏上实现有较高刷新率的图形显示功能。键盘采用了点触式按键;输出控制电路与由CD4514、ULN2803等组成。软件设计采取了流行的模块化编程方法和模块调试,软件程序的开发全部采用了C51语言。其主要包含的程序有:主程序、键盘扫描子程序、数据串行移位输入,并行输出子程序、串行接收和发送子程序、LED显示子程序等。

This paper elaborated on hardware and software design for display circuit and system programming. Based on SCM. The drive system which by composition of the keyboard, display circuit, serial communication circuits and serial input parallel output control circuit, used ATMEL''s AT89S52 SCM as a MCU control the whole system. After testing and commissioning, The system can be achieved: Static and dynamic display, The way of the scan can be changed through the keyboard, Besides, Zimo data can be passed from PC to SCM through the serial port, It can also be passed from SCM to PC. Thus it can achieve real-time display.
As far as the designed of hardware is concerned, We choose the STV7697 as a 64*16 LED drive chip and the SCM as a MCU which produce the control signals. In this way, We can obtaining a high refresh rates display. The keyboard has adopt point to touch the dyadic button; The output control circuit is composition of the CD4514 and ULN2803 and so on. The development of software adopts the popular modularized structure and the modularized debug facilities. The design of software adopts C51 language entirely. The primary program is composed of main function, keyboard scanning function, serial data transfer and paralled output function, serial transmit and receive function, displaying function of LED and so on.
The successive debug experiments prove that the system is characterized by high reliability, capable control function, fast response and big power. In addition, There are some suggestions about the further development and improvement of the drive for display system in this paper.
Key words: STV7697, drive for display, SCM



摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 LED显示驱动概述 3
1.2 研究现状 3
1.2.1 研究背景 3
1.2.2 国内外的发展情况 4
1.2.3 研究主要成果 6
1.2.4 发展趋势 7
1.2.5 存在问题 8
1.2.6 研究的意义和目的 9
1.3 课题指导思想 9
1.4 课题设计任务和要求 9
1.5 论文结构 9
第2章 系统设计思想及主要应用器件 11
2.1 系统设计的总体思想 11
2.2 系统硬件简介 13
2.2.1 硬件设计思想 13
2.2.2 硬件构成 13
2.3 系统主要器件 14
2.3.1 核心控制器件AT89S52 14
2.3.2 64路输出芯片STV7697 15
2.3.3 串行通信 16
2.3.5 64*16LED显示驱动电路 20
2.4 本章小结 21
第3章 系统软件设计 22
3.1 系统软件设计要解决的问题 22
3.2 系统软件模块 23
3.2.1 STV7697移位输出模块 25
3.2.2 4*4键盘扫描 30
3.2.3 64*16 LED显示 33
3.2.4 串行通信 35
3.3 本章小节 39
第4章系统的测试结果与分析讨论 40
4.1 控制电路的调试 40
4.2 行扫描电路的调试 41
4.2.1 74HC4514译码器 41
4.2.2 达林顿管ULN2803 41
4.3 列驱动电路的调试 41
4.4 键盘的调试 41
4.5 串行通信部分的调试 41
4.6 系统调试 43
4.7 系统的演示 44
结论 45
谢辞 47
参考文献 47

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