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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/14


论文编号:DSZP026 论文字数:7954,页数:11 附任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,指导记录,答辩表

摘要: 中国是一个以国有企业为经济主体的国家,企业文化也如同整个国家经济建设一样,正在经历一番曲折的成长过程。在传统计划经济体制下,高度集权的管理模式,虽然形成了注重国家利益的大集体观念的企业文化模式,但是这种集权管理模式过于行政化,职工群众的积极性未能充分发挥出来,民主管理的监督约束机制显得无力。在我实行经济体制改革以后,传统计划经济体制逐步转换为社会主义市场经济体制,中国企业文化建设的环境开始转变,越来越多的民营企业开始建立有自己特色的企业文化价值观,并取得了较显著的成就,阿里巴巴是一个具有独特企业文化价值观,并能将其成功运用在企业运营中的先锋型民营企业。


     Abstract:China is a state-owned enterprises as the main body of the national economy. Corporate culture is the same as the national economic construction, is going through hard of growth. In the traditional economic system, highly centralization of management system made enthusiasm of the staff can not play, although a focus on the concept of national interests, and belong the concept of enterprise culture model, it is not a good management system. Democratic management of supervision and restraint system seems powerless. After the implementation of economic, gradually, transform the traditional planned economy to a socialist market economic system, environment of enterprise culture is changing, more and more private enterprise create their own unique corporate culture values, and had a more significant achievements. Alibaba is a unique corporate culture values, and obtain success.
 Key words: Culture Values of Enterprise, Alibaba, economic management, change

目 录
绪论 1
一、文化价值观概述 2
(一)什么是文化价值观 2
(二)企业文化价值观的概念及其作用 2
二、阿里巴巴与其先进的文化价值观 3
(一)浅谈阿里巴巴企业文化价值观 5
(二)企业塑造了成功的内生文化 5
四、结论 6
致谢 8
参考文献 9

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