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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


此份论文附开题报告,任务书,论文,文献综述,字数:11367,页数:22    论文编号:JD333

摘   要

编码发射与接收报警系统是一种典型的防盗报警系统,其总体的设计思路是由编码发射电路和接收解码报警电路两部分组成。编码发射电路是通过发射机发射信号,并经过数字编码,发射等环节,将物体移动的信号转化成电信号利用无线电信号发射出去,从而把物体移动的距离控制在一定的范围之内。而接收报警电路则是通过对电信号解调、译码和声光报警等环节,将电信号转为声音、光源信号,从而达到无线报警的目的。     在本次设计过程以电路原理为主,因此在电路元件和模块的选择上尽量采用通用、基础的元器件,避免采用大规模的集成电路来设计电路。

关 键 词:编码,发射,接收,解码,报警



The code launch and the receiving system are one kind of typical  security alarm system, its overall design mentality is composed by the code transmission circuit and the receive decoding alarm circuit two parts. The code transmission circuit is through the transmitter transmitting message, and after the digital coding, link and so on, transforms the object migration signal into the electrical signal to use the radio signal to launch, thus the object migration distance control in certain scope. And receives the alarm circuit is through to the electrical signal demodulation, the decoding and the acousto-optics reports to the police and so on, transfers the electrical signal into the sound and the photosource  signal, thus achieved wireless reports to the police goal.
In this design process by circuitry primarily, therefore uses general,the foundation primary device as far as possible in the circuitelement and in the module choice, avoids using the large-scaleintegrated circuit to design the electric circuit.
After the analysis, this system uses the general PT2262/PT2272 composition the code and the decoding electric circuit, the wireless launch and the receive uses the quite practical TX315A wireless launch/ receive module, and the acousto-optics alarm system is applies the  simple  light emitter diode and the ringing composition.

Key Words: The code, the launch, the receive, the decoding, the alarm


第1章 概述
1.1 看护机的发展背景 ......................................................5
1.2 看护机的发展趋势 .......................................................5
第2章  看护机的总体设计方案
2.1看护机的工作过程    ....................................................6
2.2 看护机的设计方案   ....................................................6
2.3.1 编码译码技术    ....................................................7
2.3.2调制解调技术    .....................................................7
2.3.3发射接收技术    ......................................................8
3.1 编码发射系统
3.1.1按键编址电路 ..........................................................11
3.1.2 编码电路      .......................................................11
3.1.3 发射电路    ..........................................................13
3.2 接收报警系统
3.2.1 接收电路    ..........................................................15
3.2.2  解码电路    .........................................................16
3.2.3  报警电路    .........................................................18
3.3  总结        ..........................................................19
结束语  ....................................................................20
谢辞    ....................................................................21
参考文献  ..................................................................22

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