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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JD939   论文字数:16069,页数:42

摘  要

 Design of this area is a wireless call system that uses wireless transmission codec, to avoid the traditional cable system, call routing and trouble into trouble. The design of the wireless unit to call the main system is divided into two parts, transmitting and receiving. Of which there are nine call-channel system for the nine ward beds or use the data to codec chip PT2262 and PT2272 at the core, used to send and receive wireless transmission module, the module operates at 315MHZ, as a way to accept Chao Zaisheng, nurses By the LED digital display of caller ID, and voice prompts. NE555 use of which constitutes a single steady-state control circuit to trigger a digital display and voice prompts the time, nurses can also confirm button and prompted an immediate end to show that is intended to enhance the nurse''s station wards with ties to raise the level of care has been inspired by them. The completed design of indicators, and the requirements in the transmission distance of 20 meters on the basis of the achievement of a 40-meter transmission, the receiving end responsive stability. This design can be applied not only to call for medical systems, and can be applied to a large car park management, hotel room on the platform of the total calls, such as teaching question in the field of wireless remote control.
Keywords wireless; coding; decoder

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目  录 III
第1章  绪论 1
 1.1  课题背景 1
 1.2  课题研究的目的与意义 2
 1.3  课题设计指标 2
第二章  方案设计 3
 2.1  总方案设计 3
 2.1.1  设计思路 3
 2.1.2  方案论证与比较 3
 2.2  本章小结 4
第三章  整机电路设计 5
 3.1  系统原理框图 5
 3.2  电路基本组成 5
 3.2.1  无线呼叫发射电路 5
 3.2.2  无线呼叫接收电路 7
 3.3  本章小结 7
第四章  单元电路设计 9
 4.1  电路工作原理 9
 4.2  二进制编码设计 10
 4.3  数据编码解码 11
 4.4  无线收发模块 16
 4.4.1  无线发射模块 17
 4.4.2  无线接收模块 18
 4.5  控制部分 19
 4.5.1  NE555定时器 19
 4.5.2  单稳态电路 20
 4.6  数字显示部分 23
 4.6.1  床位显示译码器 23
 4.6.2  显示部分电路连接 25
 4.7  本章小结 25
第五章  系统的调试与检测 26
 5.1  系统的调试 26
 5.2  技术指标的测试 26
 5.3  本章小结 26
结论 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29
附录1  译文 30
附录2  外文参考资料 32
附录3  元件清单 37

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