论文编号:JD937 论文字数:23973,页数:57
摘 要
The auto safety aerocyst took one kind of auxiliary crew memberrestrains the condition,Has the collision when the automobile protects crew member''seffectiveness more and more to obtain the affirmation,Now the society also more and more is high to the security aerocystrequest。Also more and more is in particular widespread to the intelligentsecurity aerocyst demand,When the automobile has the collision the automobile and theautomobile or between the automobile obstacle collision is called thefirst collision,The first collision has caused the automobile speed rapid change。As a result of inertia function,On vehicle crew member to front movement,Thereupon has had in the vehicle in the crew member and the vehiclebetween the structural element second collision,In the accident creates the main reason which the crew member injures is the second collision。In order to reduce and avoids harnessing while the personnel receivesthe injury in the second collision,The crew protective system design goal is avoids or slows down the injury in the collision using the restraint system which in the crewmember and the vehicle the structural element collision creates。The auto safety aerocyst basic thought is:After has the first collision,Before second collision,Rapidly inserts in the crew member and between the automobile interior component to fill the gas the aerocyst,Let the crew member "throw oneself" on the aerocyst, absorbs crewmember''s kinetic energy through the aerocyst on exhaust throttleresistance, enables the violent second collision to slow down,achieved protects crew member''s goal. Therefore the security aerocyst
took one kind of protective measure already was essential. I havemainly carried on the security aerocyst design work in this design,conducts the research to the security aerocyst work process, forcauses the crew member safety to design an appropriate securityaerocyst。
The introduction independently develops the intelligent type autosafety air pocket control system, this system mainly by the monolithicintegrated circuit, the sensor, the electric firing circuit and so onis composed, the use ignition control algorithm carries on thejudgement to the automobile acceleration signal, the output ignitionpulse. This system has the volume slightly, the reliability high, theantijamming ability is strong, may carry on from characteristic and so
on diagnosis。
Therefore designs the main work is to in aerocyst electric circuitCPU, the acceleration instrument choice, the relay choice and the andcircuit related component, like for prevents the wrong ignition but tohave to design a electric firing circuit, for prevented the meaconingwe must add the light isolation and so on some measures. Therefore Idesign the main work which does am to the security aerocyst hardwareelectric circuit implementation operation and to its principle of workcarry on the analysis, conducts the research to its application.
Key word: Intelligence security aerocyst,;protection;security sensor; automobile collision.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
第二章 安全气囊简介 3
2.1 安全气囊的作用与分类 3
2.1.1 安全气囊的作用 3
2.1.2 安全气囊的分类 3
2.2 安全气囊系统的组成: 3
2.3 安全气囊的工作原理: 5
2.4 安全气囊的工作过程 6
2.5 使用安全气囊注意事项 7
2.5.1 安全操作规范: 7
2.5.2 启爆后安全气囊的处理: 8
2.5.3 安全气囊的拆卸: 8
2.5.4 安全气囊的安装: 9
第三章 CAN总线在汽车内部的网络研究 10
3.1 CAN简介: 10
3.1.1 CAN 总线的概念 10
3.1.2 CAN 总线的特点 11
3.2 CAN总线的结构特点 13
3.2.1 CAN节点概述 13
3.2.2 CAN总线的分层结构 14
3.2.3 CAN总线的位数值表示 15
3.2.4 CAN总线的通信距离 15
3.3 CAN报文的帧格式 16
3.4 CAN总线高层协议介绍 20
3.5 CAN总线在汽车内的应用 23
3.5.1 汽车内部CAN网络设计 23
第四章 汽车安全气囊电路设计 26
4.1 控制系统的设计 26
4.1.1 气袋控制系统的要求 26
4.1.2 控制系统总体方案 26
4.2 控制系统硬件 27
4.2.1 总体方案 28
4.3 器件的选择 29
4.3.1 CPU及CAN收发器件的选择 29
4.3.2 加速度传感器的选择 36
4.3.3 电源 42
4.3.4 点火电路及气袋检测电路 43
第五章 论文结论 50