论文编号:JD545 论文字数:18455,页数:42
摘 要
Design of the sideslips measurement system of automobile
The practice proves that the automobile sideslips can sharply increase the rolling resistance, make the driving stability become badly, accelerate the tire abrasion, waste much more and more oil and turn around heavily, affect handling property and economical efficiency of the automobile. So the automobile sideslips must be checked up for a fixed interval. This article introduces hardware and software system of automobile sideslips, principle of automobile sideslips and others principal factors. The sideslips system of automobile is constituted by input system, the output system and 80C51 micro controller unit. The measurement system accepts the signal of this sensor and then converts the signal to the sideslips value, which is displayed on the liquid-crystal display at last. If the value of sideslips goes beyond, the annunciator can send out warning tone automatically. The system of measurement can also send the measuring result to upper computer by serial port. This article mainly completes hardware and the software design of measure system of the automobile sideslips. In the hardware aspect, it introduces circuit of detection, circuit of liquid crystal display, warning circuit and so on. In the software aspect, it curtly introduces flow chart of main program and the programming method of all ports of circuit.
This design has such characters, it is suit for the simple, the high reliability, not easy to damage and so on. Automobiles sideslip system and satisfy the majority of autobile manufacturer the request.
Keyword: Upper computer、Lower computer、Micro controller Unit、Display
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
1 绪 论 5
1.1 汽车侧滑测量系统的设计前景 5
1.2 影响汽车侧滑的因素 5
1.3 国内外关于汽车侧滑测量系统研究的状况及相关成果 6
1.4 本设计的相关内容 7
2 系统的硬件设计 8
2 .1 总体框图及简介 8
2.1.1 系统的总体设计 8
2.1.2 系统的基本工作过程 9
2.2 MAX485芯片简介及其特点 9
2.2.1 单片机与MAX485标准远距离通讯介绍 10
2.2.2 MAX485芯片原理图及通信原理 10
2.3 传感器的组成及其分类 12
2.3.1 传感器的选择及原理图 13
2.3.2 光栅位移传感器原理 14
2.4 8051单片机的简介 15
2.4.1 程序存储器2764 15
2.4.2 数据存储器2864 16
2.5 报警电路原理 17
2.6 LCD显示器 17
2.6.1 显示驱动器 19
2.6.2 位选电路 19
3系统软件的设计 22
3.1 汇编语言 22
3.1.1 汇编语言的概述 22
3.2 主程序框图 23
3.3 系统软件设计的主要功能模块 24
3.3.1 报警模块 24
3.4 部分程序设计 25
3.5 初始化程序 27
结 论 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
附录A(英文参考资料) 32
附录B(中文翻译) 37
附录C(总体设计原理图) 42