论文编号:JD242 论文字数:24786,页数:58
摘 要
In view of the fact that in the present stage multimedia technologymerely involves to the picture and the sound, but is in the recreationmachine also only uses the human body skin the kinesthesis, but in thehuman body had the five senses to be supposed also to have the senseof smell delicious sense media from the media definition, this articleproposed had the control system take the AP7003 pronunciation signalidentification system as the core small smell. Has produced a succinctAP7003 control circuit, has analyzed the output address, described thedifferent type output circuit and the input circuit; Introducedobtains the decision smell from in the specific structure smellgenerator to have the movement smell data principle; Has produced themaster control circuit diagram. At present, this system has applied ina small music smell project, has obtained the satisfying effect.
This article main research use speech recognition AP7003 chip controlsmell generator principle of work and work process, and withmonolithic integrated circuit AT89S52 to AP7003 initialization andcontrol communication, but AP7003 then and so on spreads to themicrophone the pronunciation signal controls the different smellgenerator working condition after the recognition, achieved causes inthe field the smell change occurs with the music or the pronunciationwhen the scene breath to be consistent, enlarges the return tooriginal state movie or other music art real scene effects. Thereforejoins the sense of smell information again besides the seeing andhearing intelligence transmission, can the fuller perfect sense organeffect, let the person achieve experiences personally feeling.
But in to the current home use intelligent electric applianceequipment demand situation widespread investigation foundation in,unifies this project actual need, in view of the computer ultra mediatechnology characteristic, the development has developed based on theAP7003 - 01 speech recognition function intelligent controller, is forthe purpose of changing the seeing and hearing effect, changes thehousing place smell through the unceasing sound and the pictureunceasing change the change, thus achieved in the change room the airflavor goal, enable the person to have the feeling which one kindexperiences personally is a goal. Now the ultra media eagerlyanticipates the smell generator then may let their dream possiblybecome. This system then is this inspiration, its main goal is uses into realize the scene atmosphere adjustment, thus achieves the changeindoor environment flavor.
This design has used Protel DXP circuit design software, has carriedon the detailed design to the intelligent controller electric circuitschematic diagram, and has realized the circuit diagram and theelectric circuit board chart transformation through this software.
In the above hardware electric circuit and in the control algorithmfoundation, used the C language, the development develops the ultramedia smell generator, the control smell generator mainly has realizedby pronunciation control chip AP7003-01.
Keywords: Ultra media; Speech recognition; AP7003-01; AT89S52; Smellgenerator; Smell data
摘 要 I
目录 V
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 项目开发背景 1
1.1.1 超媒体技术的基础知识 1
1.1.2 超媒体技术的产生与发展 2
1.1.3 超媒体技术的应用 3
1.2 开发目的和意义 4
1.3 超媒体气味发生器的实际功能和基本原理 6
1.3.1 超媒体气味发生器在设计制作完成后将完成以下实际功能 6
1.3.2 超媒体气味发生器的基本原理 6
1.4 本模块设计主要研究的内容 7
1.5 本模块设计思路及方法 8
1.6本设计实现的步骤 8
1.7 论文的主要工作 9
第二章 可行性研究与需求分析 10
2.1 引言 10
2.1.1 编写目的 10
2.1.1 问题的定义 10
2.2 系统设计思想 10
2.3 可行性分析 11
2.3.1 经济可行性 11
2.3.2 技术可行性 11
2.3.3 时机可行性 12
2.3.4 管理上的可行性 12
2.4 需求分析 13
2.4.1 编写目的 13
2.4.2 目标 13
2.4.3 运行环境 13
2.4.4 用户期望通过本项目设计实现如下功能 13
第三章 系统概述 14
3.1 硬件方案选择及其论证 14
3.1.1 其他电子元件的选择 14
3.1.2 AT89S52单片机介绍 15
3.2 设计思想 22
3.3 总体工作过程 22
3.3.1 主控电路设计 23
3.3.2 控制电路与单片机系统设计 24
3.4 软、硬件功能划分 24
第四章 超媒体气味发生器硬件分析与设计 26
4.1 硬件综述 26
4.2 系统硬件电路设计 26
4.2.1 主控电路硬件的设计 26
4.2.2 语音识别电路硬件的设计 26
4.2.3 气味发生器电路硬件的设计 27
4.3 系统硬件设计电路原理图 27
4.3.1 利用Protel进行电路原理图和PCB图的绘制 27
4.3.2 设计出的系统电路原理图 33
4.3.3 原理图转换成的PCB图 34
4.3.4 刻板机制作电路板 35
4.4 元件简介 35
4.4.1 AP7003-01(由CPU串行控制)介绍 35
4.4.3 语音识别控制电路的工作原理 41
4.4.4 语音识别多媒体控制系统框图 43
4.4.5 工作过程 43
4.4.5 AT89S52微控程序流程图 44
五章 系统电路调试与仿真 45
5.1硬件电路的调试 45
5.1.1 硬件测试所使用的测试仪器、仪表和工具 45
5.1.2 测试步骤 45
5.1.3 硬件单元电路220V、5V稳压电源调试 46
5.2功能模块的调试 46
5.2.1 主控电路模块功能调试 46
5.2.2 语音识别电路模块功能调试 46
5.2.3 气味发生器电路模块功能调试 46
5.3综合测试 46
总结与体会 48
结束语 50
致谢 51
参考文献 52
附录1 53
附录2 54