论文编号:JD917 论文字数:10870,页数:42
摘 要
This system can realize the digital programmable filter and also could intercalate the gain of amplifier, the passband parameter and cut-off frequency of LPF or HPF could be intercalated. The hardware uses MCU(AT89C52)as the core to control the system, it consist of the PGA103、MAX262、the four-order elliptic low-pass filter and DDS an so on. The amplifier uses the PGA103, the fixed gain of amplifier is 60dB, the AT89C52 control the AD7520, it could realize the controled 10dB gain, the error has 5%. The LPF and HPF are realized by the programmable switched-capacitor filter integrated chip MAX262, the chip is controled by the AT89C52, the voltage gain of amplifier and filter is 30 dB in the 2fc, DDS theory is adopted to produce Amplitude-frequency characteristics tester. The design of the system is simple, it is very convenience.
Keywords AT89C52 elliptic low-pass filter MAX262
Amplitude-frequency characteristics tester
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 滤波器的发展 1
1.3 滤波器的分类 2
1.4 本文的研究内容 3
第2章 系统组成 4
2.1 程控滤波器的总体说明 4
2.1.1 程控放大器电路 4
2.1.2 程控滤波器电路 5
2.1.3 幅频特性测试设计 5
2.2 系统主要单元电路设计 6
2.2.1 系统简介 6
2.2.2 程控放大器电路 6
2.2.3 程控滤波电路 6
2.2.4 四阶椭圆滤低通波器设计电路 7
2.2.5 幅频特性测试设计 10
2.2.6 峰值检波电路 10
第3章 系统电路详解 13
3.1 器件介绍 13
3.1.1 单片机AT89C52 13
3.1.2 滤波器芯片MAX262 14
3.1.3 固定放大器PGA103 16
3.1.4 AD7520 17
3.2 功能电路图 18
3.2.1 程控放大电路 18
3.2.2 程控滤波电路 19
3.2.3 系统总机电路 21
第4章 软件设计 23
4.1 系统软件设计与实现 23
4.2 系统程序的编译与仿真 23
结 论 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
附 录 30