论文编号:JD523 论文字数::17043,页数:47 程序:汇编,包括大图
摘 要
The paper introduces a basic kind of method of DC-motor speed modification based on PWM theory. Showing some relative knowledge upon DC motor speed modification, the PWM theory and the way to implement. It emphasizes on the way for carrying out PWM signals based on MCS-51. Taking 8051 Single Chip Micyoco as core and the little direct current motor as control object, the single closed loop speed control and PID control were realized. In the convenient man-machine interaction interface,the control signal and parameter were inputted with keybaord.so that the start and brake of motor and speed regulation were also realized. Provided main electric circuit principle diagram and each parts of electric circuit principle diagram, mainly include electric circuits MCS-51s, power supplies, keyboard and manifestation electric circuit, drive electric circuit, draw a procedure flow chart finally.
Keyword: MCS-51 ;PWM ;Hardware ;DC Motor
目 录
1概论 1
1.1设计项目的发展情况简介 1
1.2 单片机控制PWM直流调速系统发展趋势 2
1.3单片机控制PWM直流调速系统基本原理 2
1.3.1 直流电机调速原理 2
1.3.2 PWM 基本原理及其实现方法 3
2 PWM 调速系统的硬件电路概述 4
2.1 总体电路概述 4
2.2 PWM 调速系统的组成及选择 5
2.2.1直流电源 5
2.2.2 直流斩波调制器 6
2.2.3 直流测速发动机 6
2.2.4电动机选择 7
2.2.5 高速A/D转换器 7
2.2.6霍尔传感器 10
2.2.7 键盘与显示电路 10
3 系统总电路的设计 12
3.1 主电路 12
3.2 外围扩展电路 17
3.3 单片微机系统 18
3.3.1 MCS-51单片机内部结构 19
3.3.2单片机的外部结构 24
3.4系统设计原理总图 27
4 系统软件设计 29
4.1 系统软件总体概述 29
4.2主程序设计 30
4.3 数字PI调节 31
4.4 中断服务程序设计 33
4.5 调试程序 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录 37